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Maybe the stakes are higher than Andy thought. What will you do, Mark?




Aww, Mark really cares for Andy


Dude I'm actually worried for Mark. I've been team Coop x Andy from the go but how tf did Andy and Mark not get married and have kids? Mark is SO EFFING CUTE! That must mean something sad happens with him...


I do/don't wanna see what happens with Mark in this storyline (cause I know it's gonna hurt), he seems really nice and genuine, just needs to be up front with Andy though. It'd be a shame for a chance at a good relationship to go to waste. T_T


Damn, I'm totally all for Mark, Coop can go suck a big one elsewhere. I love Cooper, but Andy deserves better honestly. Mark is the MVP, but knowing what we know from the main storyline this far, Mark isn't involved much, if at all down the line. Bummer. Unless he somehow gets a job with River and Coop. *winkwink*

Afadi Chionesu

I sure hope Mark will tell Andy to end this childish feud before he lose his job. 😟


She just seems LOVELY....


I wanted to see Coop & Ferne bang so bad... :(


Now I feel bad for asking my girlfriend to ride me when I’m outa breath 😂. Seriously though, as a pansexual these comics pretty much hit every single angle. I love it!


You there’s a Word for People who do what She does... What is it? ... Oh Yeah “Bitch”


Cooper being a pooper as per usual. God, why do the ones we fall in love with all have to be douchebags? It's really so fucking annoying! It happens all the goddamn time and I'm sick of it! *Cries but also can't stop reading*

Milo Smith

I adore mark and I really wanna root for the sweet guy and hope he gets his time to shine, he’s so sweet and adorable!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

PASTA HIMBO!!! ;A; My heart, hang in there Mark! Don't let the Plastics get you in trouble! Follow your big carb loving heart, I believe in yoU!


So Frank’s girlfriend is basically a bitch. Nice to know. Lol


Thanks. Now all I can see is a sweaty Seth Rogen just rolling over goin' "It's too much, babe....it's the beer! It's the beer!" XD


Man fuck ferne, Frank is awesome.

Zian Panda

If I was Mark, lol that actually is my IRL name so I am, I would be the good guy that I am and warn Andy to be careful and break off his petty dueling with Cooper.