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🍂Welcome to October, friends! 🍂

Are you ready for the air to cool down and the leaves to start falling? Cause I sure am! Fall is my favorite season. Bring on the comforting sweaters, pumpkins, and my fav Halloween flick, Hocus Pocus 🕯

I’m happy to say that we get to keep on rollin’ with the content flow! I’m getting better at working commissions into my work schedule, so the line is gradually speeding up. Hooray! Anyway, here’s our expected content throughout the month:

⭐️ 3 pages of Interns Vol 3

 ⭐️ 2 Livestreams ($2 and up)

 ⭐️ 3 pages of Winter Blossoms ($3 and up)

 ⭐️ 2-3 completed commissions ($5 and up)


Saturday, October 10th, 6PM PST

Saturday, October 17th, 10AM PST


I made a sticker pack of my sona if you’d like to use it yourself! I’m going to keep periodically adding new stickers to the pack when I have the time, so expect more in the future!

Add the sticker pack here! 


On a personal note, I’m actually having a bit of a tough time right now. The layoffs are beginning at my work… My coworkers and I are trying to stay positive, but I can’t help but feel a rush of anxiety every time my work email pings. If my department gets the chop, that means I lose my health insurance and I’ll very likely have to move. This possibility stresses me out to no end, but I’m trying to keep my cool. I hope so deeply that I can go back to work next year. I love my job, and I miss it. (for those who don’t know, my day job is working at a studio property, perhaps where one of your favorite shows are filmed! that’s all I’ll say about that :3)

Your support here matters so much to me. My life is hanging by a thread this year due to the pandemic, and your presence and support goes straight into the bills that keep my ability to live in my home and to produce content. I’m sorry for the redundancy of me bringing this up. I just have a strong need to thank you every chance I get. You are helping a real live person hold their life together. You guys are my heroes and I couldn't be happier to share artwork with you.

In case I don't get to say it later, Happy Halloween you werewolves and ghouls! 



Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

I love the new stickers you added! And heck yes, stream tiiiiiimez So mushy and thoughtful x3. You just keep doing your thing, know that we appreciate YOU, and that you have all made our experiences that much better with your kindness, creativity, and of course, memes~

Lucian Greywolf

You're comment at the bottom is so inspiring. To see people holding strong in the face of uncertain times to lie ahead really shows what we're made of. Keep holding strong buddy, I have faith in all of us that we'll pull thru this


something positive to think about is that they are developing a Hocus Pocus 2 ;3


Your comic and characters have helped me get through some tough times so I'm honored to be able to support you during your own time of tribulation. In many ways this comic is therapeutic for me as I see elements of my own personality in your characters and the challenges they've faced (especially Cooper). It reminds me during these dark times that people can indeed grow and change for the better. Between my mental illness, spotty employment history, and anger issues I've led a chaotic existence for as long as I can remember. When I see scenarios I've lived play out in your comic and result in character growth and development it gives me hope that I can change for the better too. So I just want to take this opportunity to thank you Jackaloo because your comic has really helped me. I will say a prayer for you in the hopes it helps you keep your job.

Afadi Chionesu

I'm looking forward for Halloween too. Fall is my favorite seasons too, next to Summer and Winter. 😁🎃 I understand how you feel. And it's also great that you're keeping your head up during these horrible times. Keep faith and everything will be good. ☺ 🙏


Pleasure to be here with you, Jack! Hoping stuff with the job works out. Happy spooky month.


wishing the best for you. happy spooky season! just realized i've been subscribed since may of 2018

