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A moment of silence because I died making this page it took so long xD Sorry for the delay, folks! Was just a lot of detail to get through.

Anyways, Cooper pls. And River oh?




fuck YES River, call Cooper out on his shit


If only Andy met River, River would smack some sense into Andy :(


Weeeelllll, River it’s funny you should say that...... *holds up mirror*


it’s worth the wait! we appreciate the details :)

Milo Smith

Damn River, I’m speechless. I never would have expected them to be so resolute in who they are as a person and their values, truthfully it’s really really refreshing to see someone so firm in their beliefs! And though very blunt, it’s about time someone holds cooper accountable for his shitty behavior

Atari Doge

Thank fucking god someone tells Cooper that he’s a shithead.


River would definitely make Andy see how reality is for him and Cooper, hopefully they both get to meet


Wow River does NOT play around. Coop needs that kind of reality check.

Sugar Sammy

Looks like coop might have to jump to Rivers rescue from some pervy assholes outside and make River not so mad at him. Quick River, run back inside and lock the door!


Oh no, don't tell me Coop is gonna get redeemed by saving River from some harassing pervs. The whole Knight in Shining armor scenario.


Oh no River watch out!!

Eren Yanno

Oh here we go..


Amen sister. Finally Coop gets that metaphorical kick in the balls Andy doesn't have the courage to tell to Coop's handsome but stupid face. But I'm hoping this isn't a lead up to some sort of assault where Coop saves River. Just seems like River couldn't be THAT helpless in that sort of situation.


Oh my God he really pulled the "I have a gay friend" card? Coop, it's a bit exhausting sometimes to keep rooting for you lol


See what happens Cooper? You're lucky Andy loves you like he does.

JP Marone

Coop deserves all the kicks in the ass he gets, man. Go River.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Good. ass Page. The outfit is en flique, I love that weave, Cooper's lame ass apology is stale as shit, River lays it out.... *Mwhah* Ugh, River; how I wish I could channel a fraction of your abilities sometimes. Marvelous page Jack!


some balls are about to be kneed

Ed Haynes

I see 3 things happening: 1. River is harassed by guys who turn out to be homophobic. 2. Cooper intervenes w/o being asked. 3. Cooper is beaten up/hospitalized for his troubles.

Afadi Chionesu

Wow! You’re not kidding with the details, Jack. River’s attire and makeup are beautiful. Like, Beyonce beautiful. You sure did put it off. :D It is amazing that River has the guts to stand up to Cooper for his hate speech. They must have been dealing with neglect while growing up, or whatever the case. Cooper’s apology is pathetically weak. I’m afraid that he needs to do more than saying an apology to have River trust him again. ):( And uh-oh, trouble is approaching in the alley. :O


Omg Rivers isn't Bulge D: !!!


I think these will be people Coop knows so he has to risk his rep by defending River. Sort of fits his arc atm


Finally. Guy needs to learn that not everyone is going to overlook his psychological issues like Andy does!


Not everyone understands the issues either bro. Yes What he said to River was way out of line for sure BUT Andy does get Cooper and why he acts this way. No one is perfect, but not everyone had the kind of life Cooper did growing up where you were psychologically beaten down in the begining.

Elijah Yarbrough

River looks absolutely stunning, and I'm glad that he is not putting up with Cooper's bullshit. I sympathize with Cooper to an extent because of his difficult upbringing, but that does not excuse his reprehensible behavior.


I don't think I realized just how in denial Cooper really is, even after it's clear Fletcher knows.


Oh SNAAAP! He got his ass called OUT! SAVAGELY! TWICE! Need some ice, big man?? I’m DEAD


If anything bad happens to River I'm gonna be upset. Well...anything else I suppose at this point


alright jackaloo, either this goes into river backstory, or you have the balls to have river get attacked and coop save the day. Harassment for trans women and gender fluid people is very real, especially MtF people, speaking first hand. Let's see if you've got the stoooones son


I hope he's getting kicked out xD I want to see him back at Andys place ASAP!