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And yes, that is a threat, Coops xP

Thanks for your patience as I dive back into January's quota! More content soon!




What a dick. 🤪


Well hello new jackaloo post, seems I’m the first one to comment, I’m hoping to see Andy tell coop off in the next page haha, keep up the awesome work jack!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Oh Cooper... Andy's genuine smile is also filling me with determination.


Looks great Jack, I love how expressive their faces are. Just found the series recently and I’m totally captivated by the stories!


Coop why you gotta be a dick

Lucian Greywolf

I was thinking the same. Why does Coop gotta be that way then I remembered the timeline and it's before Cooper started to mellow a bit.

Milo Smith

Aaaand there’s the cooper we knew originally, poor Andy in that bottom panel though! His expressions are so very telling and wonderful! I bet he is gonna be a great RA, put cooper in his place! It’s wonderful to see you back at it❤️❤️

Nelson Cabrera

Cooper can be an idiot soimetimes but he's Andy's idiot hahaha


Andy little blush in the last panel. Jeez coop why you gotta be like that haha. Andy must really love this man to put up with so much and never give up on him. That’s what I like about this story. That alone is so cute.

DJ Wolf

Foot in mouth coop.


Resident Assistant--basically the guy in charge-slash-not in charge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_assistant


Wow, Coop is already starting on the wrong foot—Good job, bro! lol

Zeke Red

I found the first panel so refreshing. It was nice to see the two guys conversing so happily as friends. But I guess I should have known it wouldn’t last a full page. Damn Cooper, why do you have to be an asshole sometimes?


Andy gonna fuck you up breh!


Aw, Coops, you were doing so well. Sadly with benefit of foreknowledge I know he'll still be a problem but I think he'll still disappoint me every time he pulls one of these.