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Picking up where we left off! What's going on ? We'll find out very soon!




Coop is freaking out looks like.

Opa Wulfen

I wager that this is after Fletcher dropped his bombshell. So not surprised he's looking like that.


I see a “how tf am I gonna tell D I’m gonna be a goddamn stripper?!” LMAOOO


Ahhhhh! The suspense!


I wanna see him with river more so I hope he take up the offer




I think he is holding rivers phone number it looks like he is holding somthing and makes sense I hope he takes the offer for River being his teacher

Nelson Cabrera

He is freaking out and getting nervous at the same time. I might think what he is getting into may be truly dangerous, but... interesting too. We'll have to see how the story continues before we get hunchs. Like you said Jack, this volumen will be more focused in River than the other character and we'll going to see what's his role on it. We all hope Cooper and Andy can have a chance to put themselves together but of course we wanna see what kind of surprises you will bring to us in this one ^^. This has begun so just one more left and we'll see if our Cooper and Dee have their chance or not. They're so cute even if they're arguing most of the time hahaha. Hope you had a great christmas time and a happy new year. Nice work as always. Keep like this (L) have a nice weekend and take care


I just hope we get more of River and Cooper together not that I don't think andy and coop aren't cute it's just I find river and a cute pair too and I think riv could help Cooper with his confidence I hope he joins up with river for some time and learning bout how to be confident with his self

Nelson Cabrera

We'll see about that eventually ^^


He's holding a key in his right hand and a hide-a-key thing in his left. It doesn't look like the little frog one that Andy had outside his place. So either this is Andy's place and the detail on the hide-a-key hasn't been added yet or it's some other place with a different hide-a-key.


I'm just hoping for alot more of River tbh they are my fave still jack said we will be getting alot more of them the next 2 issues so I trust him


A lot going through his mind for sure


get on the hype train choo choo