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*charges super-saiyan-slut mode*



DJ Wolf

Oh man this doesn’t sound like its gonna be good for anyone but Fletcher.


Hehe they're totally gonna do porn


Called it.


Oh dang, this can’t be good

Sugar Sammy

Porn staring Coop and River?! Omg my life is complete, I can die happy now. Also River looking SEXY as ever 💘

Milo Smith

It’s definitely looking like the porn route to me, which while I’d love To see, I don’t want to have coop dive deeper into his hiding Hole since he’s been really coming into himself. Dammit fletcher, you sly dirty dog


We all knew it (might) was coming.


I knew it! Cooper is gonna give that booty away! :P


i really dont know why coop is still there, i know hes not the brightest bulb. but no money is no money. gtfo of there. i guess everyone else wants to see the underhanded boss win just to see more porn content. i would rather see coop back out and river as well, they can be friends. copper can go fuck the shot out of andy ^.^


I don't like it 3= not at all..


Damn. Nothing makes me reach for the molotov like that second speech bubble. Paid in "exposure"


Goddd I really hope cooper isn't gonna get hurt by this skeeze...


I hope this is a fulfilled opportunity to unload Fletcher from the comic, he is a total bore.


Hmmm, porn or prostitution....not sure the exact angle he's going for.


Something tells me everyone is supposed to hate Fletcher about now. Is Cooper really going to fall into such a trap though? He knows Andy would let him stay while he figures things out. Somehow despite seeing this coming at first, when it finally came it still surprised me.


I agree with Jersey Shore on this one. Let’s tap that. potential. :D


Mmmmmm Cooper - Fletcher porno


The cesspit just got deeper and chunkier...


I sincerely hope they both walk the fuck out of there.


Yeeeaaah every time the boss opens his mouth he might as well just say, "Hey, I've come up with a new way to exploit you and you're gonna agree because I'm good at spinning rainbows and playing on your desperation and self-dislike." What *I'm* waiting for is Emery to take Andy out for a night at his friend's club, where a certain idiot happens to be "working",


Being someone who has a personality close to Coop's, I can honestly say it's a big hit to the pride to have to lean on someone else, even for a little bit.


Hopefully it's porn with Fletcher and Coop :3 he might actually get to come to terms with his sexuality AND we get to see Fletch in action. Win-win

Nelson Cabrera

this sound interesting and dangerous at the same time. Be careful Cooper, don't accept it OwO

Nelson Cabrera

Fletcher will be who will win with this. And Cooper will look for problems with Andy if he finds out since he had warned him to be careful. Hopefully our wolf friend is sensible this time and doesn't put the rope on his neck. We'll see what happens as the story progresses. This type of business almost never goes well and ends up in things that one shouldn't experience. Good job, Jack, you've left us more than intrigued and wish you a good trip and adventure to the MFF ^^. We're very satisfied with the update and know that you're ok. Kisses and hugs from Spain. Have a new start this week (L)

Ed Haynes

Cooper should just say "No, Thanks" and GTFO of there, Fletcher's a scumbag.


Damn. Looks like he's gonna MAKE River still be pretty. XD


If Cooper and Fletcher have sex, I'll actually stop reading this and pull my subscription. That would be the wrongest thing.

Sugar Sammy

I think it would be Cooper-River ship instead. Although non-canon Cooper-Fletcher would be hot


As a general rule, dialogue should always serve two purposes. First, advancing the story in some way. And second, demonstrating the character. This does that in spades. The story says: Felcher is about to ask River and Coop to do something unpleasant. The character says: I am a creep. Like holy shit, I am such a piece of garbage, have you ever heard anything more scummy? And, as scummy as I am, even I don't wanna come out and just *say* whatever creepy thing I'm about to ask. And the text and subtext complement each other. I love this comic.

Milo Smith

Though I really do want to see fletcher fully in action, he is definitely fap worthy!


From Coop's expression in the last panel I think he's pretty pissed and thinking of being a knight and saving River.


I have a feeling that Fletcher is after River for bed time funs, and Cooper will pick up on it and comes to the rescue or something will that my thoery


If Cooper cheats on Andy after they just had this thing, imma be upset.


I want Cooper and river to be together in genuinely not in a porno I hope that's not gonna happen like that but we have to wait to see


I'm just glad rivers back in it dude but I hope they end up together genuinely though not just in a porno and I hope he isn't gonna use them as sluts if it's a porno I'm ok with it but I'm not okay with him using them as whores that's what I'm fearing like major time in all honesty I'm worried bout it I'm very attateched to river as a character they helped me through being hospitalized when I was bored I drew alot of them and well I just don't wanna see anything bad happen to them so I hope he isnt gonna use them as whores


... I do not like the way this story takes ...

Thomas G.

This seems like it's gonna go porn, strip club, brothel, then .. yeah .. flecher is trying for pimp isn't he


I don’t like what’s coming. Either way I feel it’s gonna end bad. At least for coop, Andy somehow gonna find out or get involved and no just no. No more heartbreaks please 😭 (still curious to see what happens though)


Completely agree. I hope things don’t go down the road of Cooper giving in to some amateur porn thing, then there being this huge situation with him hiding it from Andy. The whole idea of that makes me seriously uncomfortable, since it’s ultra trashy. I’ve been worried about it since the beginning of the season, hoping it will just be a strip club and/or burlesque thing for River. Besides, with Coop being in such good shape now, I don’t see why he can’t just go and find an actual job which would combine fitness and communications.


It's either porn or prostitution? What the hell is going on here?


I'm thinking porno....and I dont think Andy will be down.. unless maybe asked to join? Who knows.. I think this may be a train wreck of broken hearts.. omph..