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Falling Flat has closed and ended, as the story will be merging into the main comic from here on out.

As you guys might know, the main comic is already written out. However, the side comics have not been! I've been writing them per-volume. I wanted to give you guys as patrons the power to choose which path I take as far as volume 3's side comic. Discussion/questions/ideas are welcome!



I love how a lot of people in the start put Cooper. Lmao, 5sec and already 9 for coop

Sugar Sammy

Oh god, please more River!


Oh, my. Which to choose?!?!?!


Rivers past please


Please more Cooper. I love smelly boi

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

TL;DR at the bottom: ~ ~ ~ So here's my take. I think learning more about Andy sounds super cool. I feel like it'd make for a nice juxtaposition to Summer's Gone since we got to see a bit about smelly boi. Character backstory really builds a lot for context about what's going on now in the comic. If the volumes continue to follow a sorta pattern where they focus on one character, I"m not sure how much Andy will show up in this volume, so a backstory side-comic would be swell. BUT. BUTBUTBUTBUTBUT. SHE is not up here, but I really want to know more about Chelsea! She is the best friend of Cooper and Andy back in college time, and she basically just a genuinely caring character. I understand some people think that she might come off as rude, but honestly? I like the fact that she's an out of state character, she didn't grow up in this home town, or nearby. She's having to deal with the fall out and boomerang friendship Andy and Cooper deal with in recent years. Seeing that through her eyes would give a really strong female character a voice that would help this series stand out in a primarily gay romance comic. And I feel like her commentary would be excellent build up to the tension that'll be generated in the penultimate volume of this series before the final volume. ~ ~ ~ TL;DR Tell me more things about Nerd Boy because I think it'll be a cool contrast to the story of Summer's Gone where we learned a lot about Cooper! Also, Volume 3 seems like it may not focus on Andy as much! BUT! I am more in favor of a Secret Comic that focuses on Chelsea because it would spread representation with a strong female and emphasize the importance of PLATONIC relationships. Plus, she can help build tension and excitement for Volume 4 if she is focused on in the Side-Comic!

JP Marone

River or Andy pls


Voted Andy and River. Andy because main character yadda yadda blah blah, but River wasn't around in volume one. I'd like to know more of the story there. As much as I do love the other characters too, we've already had some for Emery/Noah and Coop. Fletcher, as of right now, is seeming like a D-bag. I can't vote for that no matter how hot he might be. But who knows, maybe the story will prove me wrong in that regard.


Andy, by a yard. I want to know about his schooling apart from Cooper and others. How he excelled, how he's actually really smart, but has been shy about showing it, most of his young life. He has a brother, I think I recall, and I'd be curious to know how that relationship, and his relationship with his parents worked. I'd also like to see how Andy and Cooper handled the urges of puberty, and what other partners they each might have had.


Andy’s first time or his first big relationship


More River please ❤️

Sugar Sammy

Yes! We need to know what was going on in River's life before they got involved with Fletcher.


I'm still hoping Fletcher appears somewhere in a lewd capacity besides the very quick allusion to his pornstar days. He's the hottest character imo.


Since you do so well with characterization I enjoy the idea of more past based comics to help flesh out characters more.


how would you integrate the side stories into a physical copy. eg was the summer one with young coop/andy. but the timing in which you published each page in between the main comic just totally made it that much more amazing because each past scene (flashback) was related to the current scene when it was interspliced. i would love to get a pdf version of the comics in each volumes format (only because i cant afford the physicals nor keep them anywhere and expensive to import). in order they were release here on patreon. page by page interleafed


Andy and Cooper are realistic and unexaggerated and they're my favorite characters by a lot. I thought Summers Gone has had the best story/writing so far, and an analogous comic from Andy's perspective is what I'd like to see most. I like seeing Andy develop alongside Cooper but so far he doesn't have much development on his own. I would still be happy to see any amount of Andy and Cooper, whether it be any new scenes you still wish to show, or just scenes from Summers Gone but from Andy's point of view. Thanks!

Remington Wolf

I mean honestly as long as it leads to more naked Coop I'm happy

Jack the Rat

I'd rather have more of the main comic. Flat out.


More past Coop please!


Andy for sure. River seems nice and all, but there is only so much time in the day and stories/comics to write. Id rather hear more on Andy

Nelson Cabrera

When will this vote time end? :)