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DJ Wolf

Hot damn cooper! You go boy! Talk about Climactic


Coop knows what buttons to press :3




Yes please I think coop is enjoying himself


Now lick it up!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

The angles and perspectives are just so friggen AMAZING on this page! The proportions, the shading... Every range of emotion is so clear on their face, every movement fluid... for fucks sake this is just a gorgeous, well orchestrated page. Nicely done to Cooper~ But more importantly, I can see all of the effort and time you put into this page. Bravo Jackaloo ~ <3


I wonder if Coop is planning to take Andy for a test ride :) Brilliant artwork :) :)


yup, that right there. way to ease into cooper. he certainly looked like he was totally into it, smirk and all.


Fast learner.


I saw this one during the stream... was wondering when you'd bless everyone with this :3


Cooper's going all out to return the favor to Andy and that's so wholesome =3= He's a good chap

Nelson Cabrera

That's really hot and awesome, Jack. Keep doing like this. Take care so much, Love U (L)

Sugar Sammy

I love so much about this page! Also love the way coop looks in the first two, sexy AF!


I wanted Andy to get a blowjob😭😭😭. When is he gonna get one Jack


Coop is learning about how Andy gets off, and That part of the male anatomy. I am not sure if Coop ever had anal play before but he can see Andy likes it.


Oh my God yes! That smirk before be does it is just everything.


Whoa ho ho ok cooper 😏. I’m kinda jealous of Andy right now 😂


It looks like Cooper really likes to see Andy cum. Hehehe


I really like that Cooper is enjoying himself here. That's the hottest finish we've seen from Andy so far.


YAY! This is exactly what I was hoping for! I love reciprocal sex! <3 That's the way you treat your partner with respect. And it comes across as so passionate and loving. It really does. I think that the love aspect is probably the most powerful aspect of this scene. That love and passion is the best thing. I love seeing it in their expressions and in the back and forth between them.

Robert Marshall

Cooper looks so loving in that first panel. <3 <3 <3


*sigh* Your posts make me want a boyfriend, I want someone to love me like this so bad!


This was pretty hot.. but.. still at every moment I'm expecting the shit to hit the fan..


I'd be surprised if that was just luck, and I suspect Cooper knew he was aiming for prostate stimulation. The question is did he do it to himself in his alone time, learn from Chelsea, mess with River off screen for extra drama, or otherwise learn about it in some other way? I'd be shocked if that wasn't very specifically his intent.


Wow so hot and sexy. I think Coop is enjoying exploring his feelings right now but he's still really scared to be seen as something other than straight. His dad really screwed him up I think.


When you realise the pleasure you can give to a friend in the form of a climax - you want to do it again.


What if someone has done it before to him. He's use to fucking girls but not guys. What if he's used to getting fucked by guys instead, hince knowing how to do it. But remember it's just a theory. A furry theory.


Wow Cooper is really so handsome and male, he like me !!!


He remember me like a friend that me like him since 2009 but he's straight