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For those of you disappointed that a certain smelli boi did not nut inside anything in this specific round... just remember this is only volume 2 out of 4... ;3



DJ Wolf

aaaaaagh!! Even without the nit this is amazing!


😍 Yeeesss!... Very good boy...


He better be a gentleman and get Andy off as well!

Sugar Sammy





I'm perfectly fine with this! As long as Andy got what he'd been longing for everythings fine with me! :)

Milo Smith

I hope he doesn’t have seconds thoughts immediately following his climax, but we do have two more seasons so I’m sure there’s going to be some sort of contention still to come! Either way, this page was really really well done and I love their physiques and facial expressions!❤️❤️


Well worth the wait!


But andy didnt get off again....or will he 0w0

Chance Bear

Now sit on Andy's Deek


No worries—that frotting got me drained WEEKS ago. 😁

Ed Haynes

It's Andy's turn now! XD

Zeke Red

Eh not what I was hoping for after 4 months of anticipation. But Andy still hasn’t climaxed yet so I’m still hoping there’s some penetration....


I hope Andy gets a turn. Coop doesnt seem like he would be fair though. Guess we will wait and see


I think your pacing has been appropriate, Jack. I will admit to hoping that Andy would get a good topping by someone he can handle, but I get that that will likely happen later on. I do like this climax a lot, I'm just hoping Coop doesn't freak out and dive head first back into the closet.

Lucian Greywolf

Oh ho! Andy seems a little thirsty. Taking a good lick of Cooper's gift. That was hot!


God, I fucking love this! <3


HAAAAA I KNEW IT!!! He didn't put it in


"Good boy"......oh lawd.


"Good boy" If that's Andy saying that then uh oh.


That is my thought. It's almost too expected he'd freak out (again) though so I suppose we'll see. That said it's interesting how immediate a shift in mentality can occur after orgasm, but hopefully Cooper isn't selfish about it. I doubt Cooper will be happy about the "good boy" thing though.


look at those chompers, he felt that one.


Super hot! Got to love that taste!

Nelson Cabrera

We'll see what's happening to them in the future, guys :). There are still two volumens to see it. Have a nice whole week, Jackaloo and all of you, guys. ^^


2 out of 4? oooh we far from over. ;3


I love the pacing in this series. I'm actually glad they didn't just jump right into penetration. Good things take time. :)


This is a bit random but I'm kinda curious to know how others imagine the voice for Andy and Cooper in their heads. For me the voice of Andy is more similar to James Arnold Taylor (When he voices Ratchet for Ratchet and Clank). As for Cooper I imagine a light gruff voice (but not too gruff), with a hint of badass. Kinda similar to Knuckles' voice from Sonic Adventure 2. These are the best comparisons I can come up with similar to the voices I hear.


Great question! I have wondered the same thing too. I like your headcanon for Andy; Ratchet's voice fits him very well. As for Cooper, I have always pictured him with Aaron Paul's voice (voice of Todd Chavez in Bojack Horseman; Jesse in Breaking Bad). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohoLzH9EQzg. Especially that "fuck man" at the end, it sounds very like Cooper would in my mind...

Draftgon Arias

Well, I'm up to date with the comic every time it gets better! besides the scenes porn 😏, the development of the characters and the story have reached me at my Kokoro 😍