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Hi guys! I know this has been a rough month for posting, and for that I apologize.

I need to ask you a favor. Please do not message me asking when the next page is gonna be posted or telling me that people are getting impatient. I'm fully aware and have been trying my best to make progress on the comic when I can. I've been struggling this month between the full time job, the big car breakdown, getting sick, a dip in depression, and a pile of responsibilities to tend to unrelated to the comic. Some days I can literally only push a few lines and sketches out before I either need to go to sleep or move on to my next task. I'm trying.

That being said, the next page is getting posted today, and then I am gonna try and bounce back on track and get you guys at least one more page of each comic before the month is done.

I've never gone more than a couple weeks between posting for the last couple years, so please don't worry. There is no hiatus or long term breaks planned. I just hit a hard snag this month and had to push through.

Hope you all are well and have a great week~


Connor Laleff

Hope you have a great rest of the weekend ❤ Cant wait to see what you have in store.


Make sure that your taking care of yourself buddy, don't overwhelm yourself with the comic, we understand ^-^


I'm always happy to see new pages, whenever they are ready, so please by all means take the time you need to take care of your real life first!


Take care!


Ugh people need to chill. Easy to be impatient when you don't have to do the work.

Sugar Sammy

Please take your time!




Sorry to hear that. Much love Jackaloo


wish you well and keep up the good work ,chin up , you got this ~💪🏽


My condolences you have to deal with that kind of messages on top of your daily struggles. It's easy to forget that artists have other life obligations than creating art


Sorry to hear that Jackaloo. People need to calm down, Plus you and your health come first, I’ll happy wait for anything until your better. Thanks again for this awesome comics you make!


Considering that you’re still more productive than the majority of furry artists I have known, I see no reason to worry, especially when you charge on a per-page basis. People need to chill. Take care of yourself. Complete burnout would be a lot worse, and folks need to understand that.


Just take care of youself, you are the one bringing this to us, we are here course we love your stuff!! We need you to be okay to enjoy it together, so take care we will be here waiting! 😄

Sugar Sammy

Also the work being something that takes ALOT of creativity and skill. Art isn't easy.


Take your time don't push your self to hard Jack it's worth the wait


People messaging you impatiently can go sit on a cactus. The lack of decorum is astounding


Hope he's doing ok its well worth the wait and keeps me egaer to see more and honestly helps keep me motivated to keep going every day it may sound silly but this comic is well somthing I look forward too and helps me make it through the day. Just hope Jack takes it easy and doesn't push himself to hard that's how creative burnout can happen


Take your time! Jesus I can't immagine some people would say that to an artist. Most artists work more than one job and have responsibilities and unplanned life events. You are working as quickly as you can - we know that. I'd rather you take your time than burn out and resent what you are doing.

Lucian Greywolf

Some people are just inconsiderate. Take care of you first. Us loyal fans are totally chill and understand. Not to worry we ain't going nowhere.


People are seriously pestering you about this? Jesus Christ, that’s pathetic. There’s excitement and anticipation sure, but it’s selfish as hell to bother you like that. Especially when we’re still getting monthly output. I have a Creator or two who don’t put forth any effort at all. I’m sorry to hear that, Jack—just ignore them if you can.


Same here. And art takes patients it doesn't just happen especially when people have lives outside of drawing and art. People seem to forget that people have lives outside of the Internet and get busy with work and life.

Nelson Cabrera

Take your time and get rest, Jack. We'll wait all the time you need. I won't never ask you a question which could make you feel uncomfortable ^^. Take care so much. Love U (L)

Fox of Ages

Hang in there, buddy. I’ve been in really rough spots before due to depression, struggling to stay awake through the day and being unable to get anything done even when I was. Don’t forget, you have to take care of you. I think I speak for at least some of us when I say we’re here to support you because we want to see what you can achieve when people’s support lifts you higher, not because we expect things from you. Thank you for working so hard on the comic. Know your value as a person is not based on your ability to produce. Take care of yourself.


get some rest, your health is also important, patience is a virtue so we can wait if it means you will be safe, hope you some good luck in the future and wish you to recover.


also thanks you so much for the hard work you put in the comics you are an amazing artist!

Matvej Kanevsky

Thank you very much for this comic! Shall be waiting for all the time needed! Take care of yourself!!!


All of us appreciate when you are able to post new pages. It doesn't matter when you post them, just as long as you're ok, nothing else matters :D stay awesome and keep up the great work!


Hey Jack just want you to know that I 100% all the hard work that you do and to take all the time that you need. I don’t know the ins and outs of your life but I wish you the best and I know that your a good person and good things will come to you in time. Keep up the good work and take time for yourself this I can’t stress enough. Take care mate and we all love and support you!


Idk what some people have, its not pledge per month its per page, and if it doesn't work out on schedule for whatever reason, it doesn't work out. And you're gonna have to accept that somebody isn't going to be neglecting their life so you can lay your eyes upon a comic page a few days earlier. Also next page is gon be spicy so I'm ready to wait for the usual awesome Jackaloo quality. <3




Also actually thank you for trying so hard to keep us happy and fed, you're truly doing a great deed. I hope your reputation for consistency doesn't start to become a curse in these hard times you're facing.


It's totally understandable and from my perspective people don't have much of a reason to complain. Some artists have disappeared or not updated their Patreon for months at a time. You are not like those artists. Don't stress yourself. The loud minority is just that. An always unhappy minority. None of us should bother attempting to make them happy. It won't happen.


I'm sorry to hear that you have a lot of people messaging you and being extremely Impatient Keep doing you and I hope everything clears up soon the comic can wait you well being is more important ^^,


You know what will make it all better? Churros! Go get some churros, no one can ever be sad with that delicious treat. I may also be excited to find some again when I travel down to Florida. Only thing Canada has yet to figure out.


We understand that things will not go as planed, we hope you are getting back on track with your live 🤞


wow, this always seems to come up when artists are getting bullied, be it 'free' comics, webcomics, etc. who ever are these ingrates who have zero respect for artists and their talents. these aren't puppy mills going on here. these people really need to grow up, or one should be able to block a supporter, since cleary they aren't being supportive. patreon is a not a product sales website with deadlines and expectations, it is here for us to support the artist and whatever pace is natural for them. if they are unhappy, they can take their pledge elsewhere. its not some piece of collateral they have to hang over you to make you feel shitty. please try to ignore their messages or tell the to just fuck off. they aren't worth it it. YOU are the one that's worth it. the majority of us are here for YOU no matter what. WE love you.


we have churros. but we also have stuff like cinnamon swirl pancakes with maple syrup. canada has nothing to complain about, we are very fortunate to live on this side of the border :)

Strawberry Puptart

I'm surprised how entitled people can be sometimes. You do you, I can wait, and I understand life get's in the way.


Take your time, dont let anyone push you like that hun


I am willing to wait, I say you are doing great considering the amount of projects you are trying to tackle.

Milo Smith

Please take care of yourself, don’t feel like you owe anything to us that puts your health secondary. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now and while I love seeing your art and your work, I understand that sometimes life gets in the way or that you just can’t push yourself when you’re run down and feeling life weighing you down. That being said, I really really appreciate your communication and don’t mind the wait


While I get getting antsy in anticipation. You have it setup to be pay per page for this exact reason. Sometimes a month hits harder than usual. As always my position is to take your time if needed. Your real life comes before this.


Don't listen to the ungrateful and rude "where is my next page we're getting impatient, Dont listen to those entitled folk. Life is hard and things come up, I understand that. Just keep doing what you can and try not to over due yourself! <3


Noooo! You come first! Take care of yourself and don't let all the noise keep ya down!


Yep, you come first. The comic is awesome, and I love seeing it, but just take care of you and things will happen. I hope the car and depression and job all just line out a bit...




I'll support you even if you have post your comic once time in one month or year. But don't worry i can wait it. Keep fighting. :D

Robert Mcgoldrick

Take your time :) I enjoy waiting in anticipation of the next page

DJ Wolf

Dude dont let others get you down. We Know yer going through alot. Depression sucks. I go through it myself. First and foremost take care of you. Don’t let others push you around. If they get impatient for a piece of porn comic they have some messed up priorities. You do whats best for you.


Please take your time Jackaloo, it's too amazing for you to not work on it at your best, it's a wonderful story so far dude, and very much worth waiting for.