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Today side comic, tomorrow main comic!



DJ Wolf

Oh wow these expressions!


Ah jeez! I predict things are about to get very complicated!

Sugar Sammy

Oh shit. Stuffs about to get real.


Oh God... Oh God...... OH GOD........

Milo Smith

Oh no, poor guy 0.0 that must have been really traumatic for him to see

Nelson Cabrera

Oh, what's he gonna do? Hope nothing dangerous. Good job, buddy. I wish you a great sunday


I don't get it we're they like a couple?

Zeke Red

Probably not but they’re friends and from his point of view he seen his friend be sexually assaulted. He probably can’t tell if there’s any consent at all in what Tom is doing.


Oh my lord, Jackaloo, you are a REAL lifesaver. I've been having a shitty week, nothing really bad happening, just one of those "Oh, god, is this week over yet? No? Please, just kill me and get it over with!" Until you posted this! Now I think I will be able to wake up in a better mood tomorrow and continue with ripping out the old parts of the house and putting in the new with a smile on my face again! <3 <3