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Hello all, I hope you had a great holiday weekend 💚 

I know some of you guys like to ask when next pages are coming for things, so I thought I would try and communicate better when there seems to be a lull period from me on your end.

At least one more page of each comic will come out before the end of the month. Among that, I am trying to get a few more sticker and button designs done, finish up one of the art pieces I might put in the gallery at BLFC, and get a head start on traditional commissions for the con.

I must confess, I'm stressed. I'm pressed for time on top of unrelated personal issues and daytime work demands. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I do my best to work through it all. See you soon!


Milo Smith

Communication is great especially when you’re going through rougher patches. I for one completely understand that life gets in the way of things and if you need to take some time to get things balanced and some personal time, I fully support that! It’s wonderful to see your artwork but not at the expense of your well being. I hope you can get some time to take a breather and get what you want to accomplished too


Mental health is more important then andy getting into coopers pants, you have a good community that understands that if you need more time then take it. <3 keep sane jack

Lucian Greywolf

Exactly. Take your time. We aren't going anywhere. Sending good vibes.

Sugar Sammy

Take your time Jack! We aren't rushing you and we know you have lots to do to get ready. As much as I need my coop fix, your sanity is more important to me.


Don’t stress over us Jack! Keep Calm and continue on with the stuff that is more of a priority. We’ll still be here :)


Don't stretch yourself too thin! D: Please dont' burn out take some time off if you need too!


Thanks for all your amazing work. For that, we want to see your future work and successes, so please take time to take care of yourself.


Take your time dont over work yourself jack


Thank you for letting us know. Please make sure you don't over work yourself (trust me you don't) and give us the comics just when you can. And good luck


Just to echo the sentiments of others. Don't push yourself too hard mate. If you need a few days for a breather I'm sure everyone will understand.

Nelson Cabrera

we understand it, Jackaloo. Taka all the time you need, okay? we can wait. Take care so much ^^


We understand man :)


Keep it up 💚🐺


Greatness never settles 💯


I hope most of your followers will feel the same way I do. Take care of your personal life first and foremost. Especially if you are feeling so stressed. Feel better soon!


There's always rough road in any creative work. You'll be past this patch, in time.

Ed Haynes

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Jack! Focus on yourself first. Everything else is secondary.


take it easy if you need to its ok to ask for some rest to calm yourself

Tigen Reis Lionhart

Do what you can and keep your stress level down!! Supporting you the whole way.


as everyone has said take your time ^^ don't rush or stress yourself alrighty <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 23:12:12 Take your time<3 no need to hesitate.
2019-04-23 05:47:31 Take your time<3 no need to hesitate.

Take your time<3 no need to hesitate.

Strawberry Puptart

I'm always going to be patient. You should find time to de-stress if you can.