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Amazing work ❤️❤️❤️

Max Freeman

I do wonder that even if Andy and Cooper get together, will Andy still be horny for Emery?


Ugh it's getting to the good part I cant wait any longer


I love Andy when he’s after something and it looks like Coop is enjoying this so far


Awe poor Andy he really want Cooper so bad! It’s hard when the ones you want don’t want to back.


The better musk is down below Andy!


Oh how I wish I was Andy 😩❤️

Sugar Sammy

Ugh Coop is way too sexy for our own good! Also as much as I like Andy, I wish there was an edit to replace him with River. I 💘 River soo much!

DJ Wolf

Fffffff omg this is wonderful

Milo Smith

I really wish we could see what cooper was thinking, his body language makes me thing he’s really enjoying this attention but it’s also giving me an uneasy feeling too. I can’t blame Andy for wanting to take advantage of the Situation too, I just hope cooper can get out of his head and just enjoy the moment

Max Freeman

Uhh, isn't he gay cause that wouldn't make sense at all considering Falling Flat. If it's a joke then good one.


aw, say that out loud Andy, tell him it's real.

Sugar Sammy

I'm sure he's bi, unless he lost his straightness and went full on gay. [Citation needed Jack!]


If he was bi, there wouldn’t have been a reason he got a divorce from his ex-wife. That’s a huge hole in the story


Aww! This is darling!


It's happening yay :D


Cooper's ears absolutely never get old!


They better actually have sex this time... starting to lose my patience

Max Freeman

Coming from a fellow writer, I approve of Pink's comment, I mean, Andy was the one who made his move on him in his office after Emery seduced his ear.


Omg I only just realised the size difference between the two...


The facial expressions could not be better, thanks for this 😍😍😍


Andy’s face in the first panel is a real life face that I have seen my real life nerdy ex’s make, and I cannot be laughing more haha I love it 😂💯


You know, Andy's pretty lean for not-working out. Coop... well needless to say is ripped, and what I aspire to be.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 23:12:35 This scene reminds me of 3:27 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&amp;has_verified=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&amp;has_verified=1</a>
2019-04-11 02:55:07 This scene reminds me of 3:27 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&has_verified=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&has_verified=1</a>

This scene reminds me of 3:27 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&has_verified=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBn7bjy9c4U&has_verified=1</a>

Zeke Red

Mmmm this is starting to get steamy. I hope it will last


Mmmmm yesssss, now just be honest with one another while not getting freaky.

Lucian Greywolf

Such a good scene. Making me want some Cooper now.


Y’know, I was on a self-imposed Internship media blackout until May 15th so I could absorb the impending sexiness all at once, but I’m glad I did a little happy birthday indulgence today and peeked. It was DEFINITELY worth it. 🥳🤩


I can't wait for the Disney movie of this. :D

Ed Haynes

Disney would probably make it less adult and more kid friendly. It just wouldn't be the same.


how is Andy not already popping the hugest hardest boner he's ever had, lol


This was the first part of the comic I saw, and I'm so glad I went back and read the rest. I'm blown away by the story so far, and now that I'm back to this point with context... wow. Emotionally powerful stuff.