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TW: This scene will include some rougher/more violent content, but it is not rape and will not include any blood/gore. I will do my best to convey mutual consent without losing the fantasy of the mood. I completely respect if this is not your thing, and will understand if you would prefer to skip this scene (it won't be too many pages). Thank you!



Max Freeman

I just want some sex happening and Emery/Noah


Poor guy! I get the function of the scene but don't appreciate the content...


I'm guessing this is his first time and a threesome with 2 doms at that. Yeah, this boi is gonna have an awakening alright.


Why are they hurting him?


Fixed! Thank you!


Interesting that he's into it! More than just a sexual awakening for him besides simply sex -- it's a specific kind of sex.

Opa Wulfen

Ah. Seems Tommy is finding out he likes BDSM...


He’s a kinky little fucker


Hope this dosent go wrong for him but I think the way this is going is that hes juat realizing he's into older guys who are a bit more rough I mean there is nothing wrong with rough sex and its been looking like he has been droping non verbal hints that hes into it but thats just what I see from expressions from the last 2 pages

Zeke Red

Well.... as long as it’s consensual, I’ve been waiting for some more sex


Well, i honestly don't like this kind of stuff. For some reason it brings up anxiety in me just by seeing this comic page. As a kid I had bad experience with abusive father who used to hit me when he was drunk (nothing sexual, thanks god..).. I guess this is the reason why I really dislike any stuff involving BDSM, even if it's by other people's consent or... not real xD And it seems like those two dudes just see him as a fool and use it. I already despise them.


This is actually interesting, the small town dude starting to explore kinks. Could come back to bit him in the future but to be honest u can be as explicit as you want in writing what happens. It will just add more deph at this point


I love it, plain and simple.

Nelson Cabrera

I'm not sure but it seems like he's into it. He isn't suffering for this, at least for now. I'd rather not thinking the worse


I hope he's into it being rough. If not, he's in a really uncomfortable situation.


Kinda' sad you're obliged to write such disclaimers. Your artistic approach on the whole comic is very much appreciated and personally, no matter how much you escalate, as long as you stick to the actual reality and the whole context of your story/plot, you're not doing anything wrong. Every page you make invokes different types of emotions, and honestly, I have never experienced anything like it from reading anything, books or comics respectively. 10/10 so far and I just can't keep on waitin' on new pages, both the prequel and ongoing and basically everything!

Milo Smith

Any word on the next page incoming? I'm really curious to see what happens to Tommy!

Milo Smith

Eagerly awaiting it and I hope things are well for you! I shot you a message on telegram but figured you were probably busy with life and work!


I definitely wasn't expecting the slap, but I now see what Noah meant by 'awakened' in the previous page. Hmm...


catching up after being behind on the comic for a month or so and just had to say, as someone with c-ptsd much respect for putting down the TW ^.^ and thanks a heap as defs helped me prep to read it to not get triggered and not many comic artists think to do that so just yeah, thanks a heap :)


ugh not sure why my comment won't post -.-... but was just saying that much respect and thanks to you for putting the TW on this page, as someone with c-ptsd not many comic artists/writers do that and it's a massive help to prep myself for that kind of content and means I don't have to miss out on reading it and also I won't get triggered as I'm ready for it, so thankyou a lot for doing that :)