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Hm. Not much to work off there, Coop.

(Apologies if this feels a bit like a filler page to anyone. I needed a smooth transition for the next pages. Hope you're looking forward to it! ^^)




Can someone hug Andy for me?


Wow! Really hit the nail on the head, such a relatable feeling


I feel really bad for Andy but at the same time I hope that this little bit of time that Cooper has to himself hopefully he can muster something up and say something to andy


Poor puppy ;_; hope coop can come around and express his feelings!


Coop needs three things 1) A huge grooming session (Love the mussy look you can pull off) 2) Counseling to express his feelings 3) Belly rubs and an Andy on top.

Jack the Rat

I hope to see the next page next week


Well....it didn't blow up or anything so we're off to a decent start here. Because, lets be honest, we knew Cooper would at least be shocked. Cooper didn't outright leave, which to me is big. So I'm hoping he takes a moment to compose himself before he faces Andy.


I feel for Andy. Gosh Coop you if you don’t say anything and walk out again you’ll leave Andy emotionally fractured for good.

Sugar Sammy

Aww. This.. This right here hit my feels. Not too many comics hit my feels like this. I DESPERATELY NEED to give Andy a hug.


we know coop is just suppressing is feelings but i dunno i really hope in the end coop comes around i mean he cant keep running forever its not good to bottle up those emotions and i think the sooner coop realizes he does not need to keep upholding what his dad wanted him to be cause it doesn't matter any more if judging by summers gone coop has feelings for andy too but is just well trying to keep up a facade that doesn't even matter what with his dad being gone.

Ed Haynes

"It's over. I just know it..." And then Cooper comes back out and says "No, it's not.", before kissing Andy.


This hurts to see Andy so upset and just Coop walking away without saying anything......damn ;w;

Nelson Cabrera

Don't worry, Andy. He's just in shock about it but he'll get on his senses eventually, I know it. Nice work Jackaloo as always ^^


well i mean jackaloo's been dropping all sorts of hints that coop has feelings for andy but is just to scared to show them i hope in the end coop realizes how much of a jerk he's been and just lets loose all his feelings i do think in the end though coop will turn around and realize he can be who ever he wants to be i think hes holding on to the past too much when he should just move forward im hoping for a happy ending between these two


Oh my, we're getting to confession time! Good luck, poor little Andy . . . .


Next we hear him say, "you coming?" :P


Cooper is gonna pop his head out and say 'are you coming' with a smirk. bathroom or bedroom, either is awesome. I'm so excited. fuck I love cooper too, lol


i mean i know that this is probably not the end of their story mainly because there is still 2 issues to come but i really want to see coop move past well all this and be who he wants not what his deadbeat dad wanted him to be i just hope he at least tells andy somthing like look i dont know about love or anything right now i just need to clear my head not let him down but just well they need to talk things out thats for sure im hopping in the end coop and andy are happy though

Rocket Raccoon

Oh I hope it goes that route. Coops head has been a mess lately, so I hope it takes a good turn


Relatable internal dialogue there, Andy...


I wanna see Andy with someone else. Not someone who sexually assauted him and not with someone who sexually harassed him.

Milo Smith

I hope cooper will actually talk to Andy but I’m wondering if maybe he’s going to say he needs to go somewhere else and that will lead into him staying with river and adding to the plot development too


As much as I do long for that. At least dialog wise I don't think that'll happen. Pretty sure that's ba thought bubble for Andy.


Oh mah gawd that would give me life. The door slowly creaks open and Cooper whispers "You coming?". Make it happen Jack!!


Oof that's one heavy uppercut straight into the heart. However looking at how calm Cooper is and proceed to get himself cleaned kinda make me think Coop is taking it well and gonna confront Andy for his feelings soon, without that sexy scruffy appearance. But we'll see! <3


maybe i feel so bad for andy right now i hope coop realizes how much of an ass he has been and opens up to andy but again yeah jackaloo did tell me there would be more river so i wonder where this is heading


Also, that sound Cooper makes has me thinking that he's either crying or on the edge of crying and trying to hold it in.


If you’re talking about panel 5, that’s the door closing. and/or locking. It’s a rough night...😔


This isn't filler at all. I don't know where this is heading, but if they get closer this makes more sense as a transition than something happening right away. If they rush into sexual experimentation for Cooper again Andy needs to be far more careful than last time though. A shell-shocked Cooper timidly saying it's okay doesn't change how pushy Andy was for the New Year. I still think Andy is going to take the lead if anything physical happens though. They desperately need to talk either way. Rushing to sex probably isn't the healthiest option, but these are flawed characters so I'm not discounting that possibility.

sheppard wolfeyes

With all Cooper is dealing with right now, I think this might have to get put to the side. He might need to figure alot of things out in his life first. I do however think this might give him the nudge he needs to see things from a different perspective. I've got a hard time believing this is the moment he just comes out of his shell. Tho knowing someone loves you is on it's own a good thing. Very positive situation for him and depressing for Andy.


*fangirl squeals* ooOOoo I cant wait. I have so many ideas on how it could go.


No Andy, don't feel back


There's a line that gives me hope. At the end of "Summers Gone" Cooper said, "So what do you do when the only thing that makes you feel anything up an' leaves?" So I feel like this is a pivotal moment for Cooper. Where the handjob in bed could have been seen as just being lust driven. This moment is feelings reciprocated, so I'm HOPING this ends up in a positive reaction as soon as Cooper processes it. *Fingers crossed*


Loving this so much!! <3 I hate the "L" word because I always end up saying it at bad times like that too....


Yea, I understand that, but Cooper is vulnerable to peer pressure and he needs someone who can support Cooper emotionally. Andy has had a pretty easy life (from most of what we can gather) and that sets him up perfectly to be able to handle this emotional stress. There's obviously underlying reasons why Cooper is the way he is, and it's not entirely his fault, and I think that Andy sees this too. Cooper just need someone he can open up to and trust.


Sadly have to say that I know exactly what Andy is feeling right know :((


Did... Did Cooper Go... or just walked into the Bathroom?! If He left, He left his Stuff!


Fairly sure it was just the bathroom. That was the direction he was heading before Andy dropped the L-Bomb.


I’m actually surprised Cooper responded they way he did, at least he kept his cool, but I feel for Andy. I’m hoping they talk to each other or at least Cooper should tell Andy something. Not saying anything is really hurtful and I just want to hug Andy and comfort him.


I have a feeling I'm really going to like the next few pages. I think I know where this is going. Amazing job Jack!


Jackaloo, don't do this to uuusssss ;_;


my heart cant handle this ...


The suspense is killing me


I'm losing sleep over this


I've only recently discovered your comics and I can only say that I am both impressed and awed at how uncanny the resemblance is with this storyline and mines. I had a friend named Andy who had the same character as the comic Andy: nerdy, cute, and wholesome, whereas I'm the muscular jock trying to make big moves. Overall, the similarities are nearly identical except I was the one who came forward with my feelings to him and he wasn't willing to reciprocate, and after 2 years of friendship, we finally ended in an arguement. I always look back and wonder if I had just put aside my pride and went after him and apologized perhaps the ending would've been different. Not a day goes by that he's not on my mind, and I often lose myself in memories of us together, talking, laughing, sharing a bed and holding him. I miss him still and he will always hold a special place in my heart. Anyhow, the comic has been very therapeutic for me to help me move on and I appreciate the hard work you put into it.


Poor Andy....please cooper...give andy a chance. You guys belong together and make a happy couple...


Aww, thank you so much! I really appreciate it and I'm glad I could make something that resonates with you in such a personal way 💚