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Reunited and it feels so... uh..?

I trimmed a little of the comic to roll on forward and get Andy back in the story. Don't worry, I'll do my best to fill in what happened between now and when Coop ran out of the restaurant, whether that will be in flashback/conversational context or if I add pages later for the hard copy. Either way, I hope this is what many of you were waiting for ^^



Sugar Sammy

Lol Coop! Wtf happened to you! Also RiverxCooper ship! Are we not going to get it?


Oh my goodness Andy's face looking into Cooper's truck is so cute


That face Andy made is soo cute and innocent looking! Cooper, why dude?


I wonder when Coop will give himself a chance.


Jesus, Coop has fallen hard.


Aw poor coop. He's such a delicate flower.

Opa Wulfen

Criminy this isn't looking good for Cooper. I wonder if he quit the job with Fletcher.


Cooper has lost basically everything. Hopefully he doesn’t lose Andy, too. 😭


I knew this was gonna be the situation: That internship is illegal.


Dang it I want to see cooper and river


Yeah poor cooper hope things get better for him and I soo ship cooper and river


Well remember it's an unpaid internship, which is illegal, so even if he's still at Fletcher's he's not being paid.


Omg Jack! I fucking love Cooper's reaction xD 10/10


Oh, dayum! Well, I've been waiting for it! :D I just don't know how I feel about it coming about like this; be still my beating heart! I think the way you skipped is genius! Just make sure you fill us in one way or another with what happened during the two weeks! <3


I have to say, waiting for your artwork is ~tons~ harder than waiting for a weekly show but ~way~ more gratifying! <3 <3 Keep up the great work, both with the artwork and the story!


What a way for those two to reunite! All though it's kind of sad for Coop, I still had to laugh at the last panel though cause it was too funny!


Cooper honey, the hobo look is not for you.


Damn I was expecting Andy to see Coops all trained up image before he joined Fletcher. This is both hard and funny to take in <3


Damn Cooper, every time i'm thinking you might be bouncing back you fall a little bit further. Playing with my emotions super hard here Jack! Now all I can hope is they have a heart to heart and maybe...JUST MAYBE he actually bounces back. Or Andy will be like "Wait, never mind, all you do is leave" and i'll be shattered. Time will show which.


Still hoping for Andy and cooper!!


Oh... Coop’s a Little Scruffy✂️


I would LOVE to see what happened after Cooper ran out and what happened to Cooper and River’s relationship


Oh I missed Andyyyy! And it looks like Cooper's still a smelly boi!


Regarding hard copies, I'd love if there were e-book versions, even if with a significant delay. I'd be happy to purchase them, and while I'm not ashamed of liking this stuff it's not the kind of thing I want around the house living with family. On the topic of the story, I'm still rooting for Andy and Cooper being together in the end. Hopefully Cooper doesn't rush off again. Andy pushed him way too quickly but he's right about Cooper running all the time. I'm really curious how Gary fits into it all too. He seemed moderately surprised with River being male, but in the end didn't seem to care. He seemed not at all surprised about Cooper's reaction.


Hobbo Cooper looks a bit creepy, got to say I would probably be completely afraid and bolt.


I think his creepy look is more due to the exaggerated expression of surprise. Otherwise it looked like he's just all bundled up enjoying some devil's lettuce.

Sugar Sammy

Same. I thought Andy would have been fawning over Cooper after seeing him in his new shape.