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Sorry this is so late! For those who don't follow me on Twitter (@JackalooComics), my home county is Ventura County, where a horrific shooting took place and a massive fire continues to burn. I took some time to tend to my loved ones and process all of this. Thank you for your patience and understanding. More requests and content to come soon!

I feel like I owe you something more to look forward to; been wondering when Coop and Andy will be interacting again? You won't be wondering for long by this point!




Hope you are well and safe! River looks even cuter without the makeup! Just admit it Coop! Just gotta add, I absolutely adore the cutaway expressions and the tension break!


Jack take care of your friends and family first we can all under stand. That comes first.


I ws wonderig how you were doing with all that is going on out your way. I’m really sorry it has affected you. Continue to spend time with your loved ones. Cherish them, be thankful for them. Help each other through all of this. Life is precious and can be fragile, uncertain; never put off saying and doing kind things. I wish you the best and send positive vibes your way. Take your time, deal with all of these pressing life issues. We know you’re good for it, as you have been good to us for years now. We’ll be here when things have evened out and calmed down. Best to you and your loved ones.


You take all the time you need ok. But man hahaha fucking cooper freak out scene #367 haha dammit coop is just a girl with a big pipi no need to freak out xD

Sugar Sammy

I wanna take a sec to say, stay safe, and another to say... Omg he's sooo cute! I'm in love with River, and he stole my heart from Cooper. Also coop dropped his phone on the table, and in the next window, it disappeared.


Your family, friends, pets, come first. I have in no way experienced what you have, but I have lost loved ones and will loose one very soon to cancer. I do know what it's like to loose loved ones and it hurts. No beating around the bush, it hurts. The only advice I can give you is to talk to someone about it. The pain never really goes away, but it does lessen and you can manage the pain better but there will be times in which for no reason, you turn off all your electronics, grab you a big bucket of ice cream and lock yourself inside and just cry.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

I know your loved ones appreciate the time and support you've been giving them. And probably all the while taking care of your own work. But in all of that, you still just flourish with this amazing art and narrative. You're one incredibly talented, overall cool cat, Jackaloo. Thank you.


Yeah I was there at Borderline when the shooting happened... still can’t believe it happened but I feel you.


I don't have a lot of words. Just take care of yourself and your loved ones. Sending you some love from France.


Really glad your safe and Ok. Living in Australia and in fire affected area's I can understand how difficult it is. Shootings however - it's not something that we get often but it is a great worry when I think of my friends over there. Anyway - Poor Coop.. He must be feeling that he is a 'Gay' magnet or something. Every time he meets a nice girl - she turns out to be a man :)


Hope your doing ok as Well. I hope cooper doesn't run from his feelings for long


It's actually back in his left pocket in the next frame.


I'm gonna say it I hope cooper gets with river in the end


I think they would be cute together and I hope river goes after him after this page


First off, no worries Jacky. Look after yourself first. I am a bit surpised it was River. I kinda thought Cooper finding out River was a male would happen at the club for extra craziness.

Zeke Red

Wow Jackaloo, giving is art in the face of such devastating stuff on your end. Once again, I thank you. That being said I can’t wsit to see your mentioned Andy and Cooper meet up


Lol well better that way then in the bedroom


Dude, take your time. Your well being and family comes first, we can wait. On the other hand, this was awesome! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us on Coop and Andy! River looks cute as heck too


it's alright understandable that things are a little crazy right now take your time, and be safe also River must have boundless energy to work both here and Rails.

Sugar Sammy

Hopefully he'll have boundless energy in the bed room too. 😉


Okay, River definitely should have been named Karma.


Oh man, I didn't realize you live in CA--I swear, those fires get worse and worse; it's horrible! I'm sorry you have to go through an ordeal as disastrous as that--I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost everything in a fire; I certainly wouldn't be able to handle it. As long as you and yours are okay, that's the only thing that's important. Conversely, I nearly wet myself laughing at the thought of Disillusioned Cooper running into traffic and leap-frogging cars to get away! XD


Oh god! Hahaha


I really like River's hair up like that. Not that it's unexpected but damnit Cooper, you're doing him dirty!! Not even in a fun way either!!


No one can blame you for taking time to deal with that stuff. Hopefully your friends and family are alright.


I hope cooper amd river get to spend some quailty time


Waiter River’s smile is just the cutest. Makes my heart melt!


Damn, I'm so sorry. My cousin was there and survived, but unfortunately his friend was killed.


im lost...


I hope all is well and remainds that way man. The world has a lot of shit going on, but I know you're good at looking at the bright side 😉 also you manage to make every single page as super cute and adorable as can be! I just wish Cooper wasn't always running away 😆


The first time I read this, I didn't notice Gary taking at roll out of the basket. This makes me wonder if he's seen Cooper run off before, and/or caught the "he" slip-up when Cooper confessed he was into someone other than Chelsea while dating her. Either way his complete lack of freaking out other than a bit of initial surprise is a good sign he may be someone Cooper can count on for support. And of course I hope everything is as well as it can be in the real world.


I'm so sorry to hear you about all that Jack. I was happy to see an update but had no idea what was going on. Please you and your family be safe out there. I'm glad I read the description before commenting.


River is so much cuter without the makeup and face glitter. I expected Coop's reaction to be bad but not like this.