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If you had to choose one, what do you look for the most in furry comics?

  • The plot 223
  • The art style 85
  • The sex/yiff 98
  • Other 17
  • 2017-12-15
  • 423 votes
{'title': 'If you had to choose one, what do you look for the most in furry comics?', 'choices': [{'text': 'The plot', 'votes': 223}, {'text': 'The art style', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'The sex/yiff', 'votes': 98}, {'text': 'Other', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 15, 3, 33, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 423}




I wanted to chose the art style and the plot, but yeah.


@Robert Then do it!


Honestly, it's the plot. But if the plot involves sex, then it's the way sex is done. If the plot leads up to a huge romantic love scene and then they just kind of casually fuck and move on, it's a little disappointing, no matter how hot it may be.


1) Plot and character development 2) Artstyle 3) the pornz.


I consider the furry comics to be equal with a classic comics. So the plot. Of course, if the art style is well done, it's better.


The Internship has good plot, great artstyle and very good sex or sexuality rather. I think its a combination where one can't really exist well without the others. Not saying sex is absolutely nescessary though


It depends. If its a short comic, a good sex scene can make a great comic on its own. But for a longer comic its a combination of good plot AND art style. I mean, if i want good plot only, I'd rather read a novel instead. :3


A good combination of all 3


Plot and sex


If I have to pick just one, then plot. Without a good story, a lengthy comic or comic series is just a bunch of pictures strewn together. Art quality/style helps, but does not make a good comic on its own, and sex should be a result of a good plot, not the sole source of it. I honestly think you have things down perfectly as it is. That’s why I love this series so much (it also helps that you’re such a personable and decent fellow!).


I think plot is most important. Great art, like yours, makes it better. If the plot involves sex then great but sex isn’t necessary. I’ve seen comics with great story and shit art and well drawn ones with no continuity. It’s the ones with a plot I’ve stuck to reading.

Kilo Rat

I never thought I'd be voting for "plot", but that is what makes this my favorite furry comic. The sex scenes are great too. It would be wrong IRL to exploit someone who needs a job, and only give them the job if they have sex with you, but in fantasy it's great!


Arts for me! Then plot. Because if it's art I don't like, I won't find out what the plot is, I won't get past page 1. The art's the bait, the plot's the prize.


Hmm, the thing is they all kind of rely on each other. The only one that a comic can really be without is the sex scene.


The very BEST furry comic that I have read in my life would be Prodigal Angel on NARR8, as far as "Plot" goes. Beautiful story all round. It was great, but it didn't have any sex in it, but did flash some sensual scenes and boobies and butts


I chose other, the most important thing for me is relatability. After that plot and art style are a tie.


Other: Good Characters I can understand, empathize and connect with.


The most important thing for me is the plot and art style. To be quite honest, I don't care much for the yiff.


In my opinion your plot and art style are off the charts Jackaloo.


i choose other because it depands on the artist for me. where some are really just knows for their porn works (RR) others have a great art style and wonderful plot to go along with it like you do with both. the storey line your art style pair so well together especially with your little adorable bits you drop in there every now and then make the porn a special cherry on top of all of that.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT! I think a few other people have mentioned this, but it's good plot and story that are the lifeblood of a narrative webcomic! Beautiful looking art can definitely be a nice hook for a comic, but that can only go so far, in my opinion (though that is something you most CERTAINLY do not need to worry about). Flat characters or storyline are HUGE turn off for me, while witty, thought provoking, and/or emotional dialogue in a story bring the comic to life!