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Woo! You guys get a two-for-one page special since this is the spread of the last page of The Intern Vol 1. Looks like it added up to being one short of 69 ;D That actually doesn't matter though, as the combination of Summers Gone will make this pages 114-115 in the hard copy.

Thank you all SO much for supporting this comic! I know that cliffhangers can be bittersweet, so try to hang on for just a little longer! I will be having volume 2 up and running as soon as possible. <3

Pre-order information and release dates for hard copies will be announced very soon! Thank you everyone!!




Cliffhangers are the most exciting parts! Gahhhhh


Does anyone know what style shoes Andy is wearing? I love the way they look , I just don’t know who makes them


Oh man! I'm already super excited to see volume 2! I'm looking forward to it, Jackaloo!!


Congrats on finishing the first volume! I've been here since the beginning and enjoyed every step of the way. Can't wait to order my physical copy and for more in the future. :D


Is already going to kick off awesome


Thanks for the ride, already impatient for vol 2, hehe ^^


OH OF COURSE HE'S WEARING THE TUX SHIRT. And Andy's supposed to be the dork...


As much as I want Andy and Cooper to get together, i feel like there is quite a ride the'll have to go through to get there, part of that ride will be making mistakes. I think Andy and boss-man are going to fall apart once Andy realizes he doesn't want to live in two different worlds, and I think Cooper is going to have to learn to accept how he feels about Andy.. and then.. maybe then the'll be able to be together.




Once again, thank you for all the work you are doing Jackaloo, rest well now, and be proud of the work done (and more coopxandy for vol.2 plz; p)


Looking forward to seeing volume 2 you did a great job jackaloo keep it up


Also happy early Thanksgiving everyone


YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! Congratulations on completing this opus! It was an extraordinary amount of work on your part, and you carried off every aspect so wonderfully such that there's not a thing that I can find wrong with this. When are you projecting to start with volume 2?


Congratulations on Summer's Gone and The Internship Vol. 1! You've definitely done an outstanding job with these stories! But don't worry about when the next volume will be released. Take your time, enjoy your holidays and some well-deserved vacation. You've definitely earned it without a doubt! Whenever you decide to post it, I'll look forward to it! Take care!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

This is so freaking cool! AH! Thank you so much for the incredible art and story in 'The Internship' and 'Summer's Gone '! It has always been such a joy to come home and see that I get the email alert that you updated! I appreciate your hard work, am so looking forward to what you produce in the future, and am so glad that I am able to support such an incredible artist!


I'll be finished writing it within the next couple days and plan to start creating pages immediately after Thanksgiving break!


Thank you so much &lt;3 I hope you guys have a lovely break as well! More to come really soon!


Yes! Everyone enjoy your break and be kind to Black Friday workers =]


I would tease you guys with volume 2 content if I could, but I better wait ;D


Wonderful stories. I haven't been so emotionally invested in something as this in quite a while. Thank you Jackaloo for your hard work in creating this great series!


NOOOOOOOO. I need to find out what is going to happen


SAVAGE!!! I'll be honest, this comic have one of the bests stories of the Furry Comics... Ever!. We Can't wait for Volume 2


Ive never seen anyone pull off writing two separate comics that come together like this, it was awesome reading every last page and ive come to be kinda attached to the characters, which means you are doing it right! Keep up the awesome work. Happy thanksgiving from SOCAL!!!


Thank you for your hard work. I don't say it enough, but I can't tell you how much I look forward to these pages. I have such an unhealthy obsession with them.


On a side note, Cooper reminds me of Balto on this page for some reason.


Thank you! I'm glad that they were able to come together. And heyo also from SoCal!


Hey Jackaloo, I don't know if you've seen it, but we're 450 patreons now (And it's kind of super deserved for you :) ) ! So I was wondering if, about the goal ... you know ...:s


Absolutely, 110% brilliant! Your storytelling goes above and beyond, and there are so many multifaceted layers to be found and themes to be analyzed. You've quickly become my favorite storyteller in the fandom. Bravo!


I can only hope they can work out their friendship again