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Sorry guys, no comic stuff this week. Without going into too much detail, I need a mental health break to address other aspects of my life.

Make no mistake; the comics WILL be finished. This hiatus does not signify any ending. It's only a one to two week break to clear my head and make sure I am able to produce quality content for you.

Thank you for understanding, have a lovely October!



You do you boo!


Hope you're fine! Take care of you!


Like the others have stated, you take care of you and we'll wait what that cleared up head of yours has in store for us :3


Be safe sweetheart <3 <3


Everyone need breaks. You take care now, and come back when you're ready. ^^


You too!


Take care of yourself and have a wonderful October! ^.^


Personal health, be it either physical or mental should always be your number one priority. You do what you need to, any good thing in life is worth waiting for, so we'll still be here whenever you come back. Good luck and be well.


I’m really sorry to hear that you are dealing with some struggles. Take the time you need, like others said. Adversity can be difficult, but it often makes us come out stronger once we reach the other side. That aside, I hope you don’t mind the question, but should we still submit for our requests by the normal deadline, or will you be moving the deadline forward due to the hiatus?

Diego P

Health is first


Take care of yourself, we'll be here when you get back. :)


get some rest and come back stronger !


Feel better soon! Always around to message if you want someone to talk to


awww no problem for me and many more of us I'm sure, look after you <3. We don't just support the comics, we are here to support you too! I hope you're okay and/or doing better and don't rush back or push yourself k ^.^, I'm happy to wait any amount of time and I'm sure many others are too!


Feel better, take a breather and heal.


No worries at all! Whenever you feel ready, whatever you decide, you have the full support of multiple people. Take care, Hon!