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Fay is a whore from commoners, who got lucky and was invited to the  noble brothel for her… physical virtue. The eccentric patron Prospero  gave her an uneasy task - to tame the beast they recently captured on a  hunt. But is she gonna be a hunter, or prey?



Clayton Brody

Total simp for this purple number. Love the transparency again and hope she get's to keep the heels on during the fun. Your outfits are consistently top quality but for whatever reason everyone almost always ends up in their birthday suit when its time for business. 😅 With all that said - I hope Fay get's her ass blown out! This set is literally asking for extremities. Giant Satyr(is that what rakka is?) vs. short stack hottie. 🤯The Mind boggles with possibilities. Is Rakka losing the C-Ring? Ps. Rakka's hair is actually f*ckin cool!

Clayton Brody

Rakkafay More like, Rekka - Fay ah heuk heuk :D


Thank you, I myself sometimes notice that the costumes that took time live a maximum of 5-6 frames))).