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Clayton Brody

Far out, Time cop has zero chill. Lesson learnt Golden: Dick jab > Leg sweep/chokehold 👍 Things are heating up now, getting excited! Question: How much of the WIP is actually "work in progress"? Are these angles or actions still likely to get get altered or is WIP just a title for previews? I ask, because if you have shots you leave out of the final comic you should perhaps consider them as an addition to the completed product in a separate folder(sex angles). Similar to what you did with the Rakka set. That could be cool. Later! :)


I usually take shots in batches. 30-50 of them are raw renderers without post processing. I choose a few, process them and post them to you so that you don't forget about me)). I'm somehow not used to showing unprocessed images (Rakka is an exception). But if many people are interested in looking at them, then maybe I will post them in a small resolution.

Clayton Brody

Yeah, it's not a major thing. Whatever is cool with you. Your posting schedule is pretty consistent from memory and the WIP's are great for building anticipation and opening dialogue with us in between your work so all good.