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Hello friends. I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything on the patreon for a long time. My situation with my mom is still going on and I still don't have time to fully get to work. She had an operation the day before yesterday and now she is in the hospital, while she is there, I can devote a few days to work and continue working on comic. But I once again warn those who have recently subscribed and my long-time patrons that now my schedule has shifted a little and I don't get to do one comic a month. So if you have financial difficulties, then you can unsubscribe for a while or go to a lower level until the situation normalizes. Thanks for understanding.



Wishing all goes well HUGGLES 🤗🥰


The Main Man don't leave people behind.


Don’t worry, family first

Liam Devlin

I remain subscribed as stated by above fellow subscribers. I can wait. You're work is worth it, Golden Master. Family always comes first.


Thank you, friends. The Patron encourages me to constantly do something to keep him active, but at this stage I can't do it. And you don't have to donate to me just like that. Although the patreon and the shops are now my only income and I will have to find time to continue working. I don't want to close it because I've already come a long way. As I wrote above, I hope the situation will level out and I will please you with new hot pictures). Now I am continuing to work on the First Contact and I hope that you will see its progress soon.