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Hello friends. I was missing for a while and couldn't respond to comments. Over the past 2 days, I have not had very good changes. My mother was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor and I spent time with her all the time and in the future I will have to accompany her. I am completely devastated and crushed by this news. Therefore, it is possible that the schedule of my comics and posts will shift because I will not be able to devote enough time to this. I see that the Patrol won the vote, it doesn't matter who is interested, you can offer your ideas and suggestions and what would you like to see in this series, I will try to gather my strength and start more. If someone does not want to wait too long and not spend their money, then you can go to a lower level or temporarily unsubscribe, I will understand everything.





Be strong, bro! We'll be with you!


Shit, that sucks. Take your time with your mother, family is the most important.


Don’t worry about it, take all the time you need. Best wishes :)

Liam Devlin

Family first, last and always. I will remain, for you walk where I once did in 2014.


Damm sorry for the messed up news.. i hope its the early stages and can be treated and not return after treatment.. stay strong and positive, try to keep hers and your spirits up..


Thank you friends for your support. I will gradually find time and start a series of Patrols and to drive away bad thoughts from myself.