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First of all Milkyans! I'm alive and sorry for the delay!

I really lingered on this pic for two reasons T_T

1) Last week I had to go to the doctor 3 times and I still have a leg injury and I had an appointment with the neurologist to do several tests. I seem to have a damaged nerve in my leg and therefore I am doing rehab every week T_T snif snif

2) I have tried very hard to detail this pic! Besides there being 4 characters, I have really noticed the work that goes into when more characters are added

So I hope you like it as much as I do! I am very happy with this pic ^ _ ^

3) I am preparing something very different for this December and I hope to have it on time. I am only a single person and I never have help from anyone, so I have to do everything myself ; _; I am very excited about this new thing that I want to bring you, I hope it turns out well! <3

Thank you all and I return to the usual rhythm of updates! I love you!



Maxwell Zimmer

I'm always amazed by your skills I simply love your art I wish I had the talent to draw like that, my only skills include digital editing and photography. So keep at it because you are so awesome ^_^


Do a boruto version:) or konohamuru