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During the time that I create stories, I met many people, and there are always those people, who are very different from the others, those who stand out, those who can be called true friends, and these people are so few, that I can count them with their fingers, and one of these people has a birthday today.

I remember when we started talking, it was a kind of funny conversation, because both sides didn't know each other, a shy and professional conversation, and then you start to create a witch who could petrify people, but then, joining the beginner in writing, and the beginner in 3D, Cecilia Gordon appeared...

Yes, today the person who's birthday is Carnivore, a great person, and a great friend, so Carnivore, happy birthday, I feel that in these last months I failed a little in our friend and in the deadlines, but I always considered you a great friend, and for that, maybe I should have taken advantage of our friendship a little, so I apologize for something I've done, and I hope this is just another year, of the many to come, our friendship, and also of life, obviously, >.<.
