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During this time that I work with stories, I met many people, most of them, amazing people, and some are highlighted by these amazing people, and Zero is one of them.

As you all know, my favorite story is Tuckerverse, and I've always been a fan of these stories, I remember when I met him, I was very happy, he gave me a story idea using FF characters, and that was the beginning of our friendship (We talked a few times before on DA, but it was in this story that we started talking more).

Both in creating stories, as in other things, he always helps me, he is a person, which I can say with all the letters, he was one of the best people I've ever met in my life, I have no words to say how much I like friendship with him, because he is amazing, >.<.

So Zero, I hope you like this gift, me, Bob, Carnivore and FreezAntix prepared it for you. And yes, I was very brief with the words, because if it goes beyond that, I can end up getting emotional, and writing several things, so Zero, happy birthday!



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