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Guys, I would like to wish you all a happy new year!  I hope you enjoyed this year a lot, and even for those who had a more difficult year, I hope that with my publications I have helped you alleviate the stress of this year a little. Thank you so much to everyone who follows me and supports me, as all of this is thanks to you, so thank you so much!

Before the retrospective, let's hear the news and possible changes that could happen in the future.

Starting with my Patreon's creation, I've been trying for a long time to make more things with a certain level of quality, and while I feel I am achieving that with time, I also realized that I have many stories being made at the same time without a closed ending. To that end, I come to tell you that the stories of the Altar, Collector and Hotel already have a planned ending. The story of the Hotel now has a sponsor and will become a monthly story, and it has a chance of being finalized this year.  I have in mind another 10 to 12 chapters for it.  Of course, there may be more chapters, but overall, we already have a goal for the end of the story.  The Altar, I believe that another 6 or 8 chapters would be enough to finish.  The Collector has somewhere around 5 to 10 chapters, but remember that The Collector often has chapters longer than 50 pages and it's divided into parts, so this story may be the one that takes the longest to finish.

And for a new novelty - what I call "The more you like, the more stories"!  What does that mean? Let's say I have two stories, and I want to do just one chapter, but I see that one has 15 likes, and the other has 10, so I'm going to do the story that has 15 likes.  Of course, the other story too I'll do it eventually, but it'll stay for later.  For example, check out the DOA story and now the new Evergreen story (Fairy Tail Character), both are stories that have a lot of likes, and that gives me extra motivation to write them. (And DOA’s story, I believe this year can also end this year, since by then, probably all the girls in the series could be frozen, >.<).

But not everything is that easy, because many people see the stories, enjoy the story, but don't hit the like button, because they just forget it (I understand that, I do it a lot on Pixiv, >.<).  But to help encourage people to hit the like button, I created something like a "mission".  Patreon shows me how many likes I get per month and with this data, I will use as a basis to create some new "extras".  What would that look like?

150 likes - 1 extra

300 likes - 2 extras

450 likes - 3 extras

Basically now, the number of likes will decide how many extras we will have per month. Remember, you can like all stories - you don't need to limit yourself to a single month's story - so reaching this number should be easy, since we have posts every day, and considering that there are more than 200 Patrons, if half liked only half of the posts of the month, well... Thinking about it, that would be a number to worry about... >.<. And if we reach 1,500 likes in a month, there will be a "super extra", what would that be? Who knows, hehe.

I'm going to make a separate post about it, it might help to better understand what that would be.

But not all changes are good things, unfortunately.  A change that I'm studying, and seeing if it's possible or not, it's the extra itself.  In this case, I intend to keep it, but both the "extra" and the "crazy Thursday" might end up on a different level of Tier, with both being on the same level as the Tier of the videos - but as I mentioned, it's something I'm still thinking about.  My goal is to always think about what's best for everyone and try to keep it balanced, to have benefits equivalent to the value that it is posted here.  It's hard for me to make these changes, as it can negatively affect them, but they are things I need to do, and I hope they understand my side too.  I always try to do my best to deliver quality stories, and I do my best, but I also need to improve the benefits for everyone, also being fair and consistent with everyone.  Speaking of my maximum, a little comment about my "maximum" in this next part.

As many of you know, I publish every day, it's been more than 1 year since I've been doing this.  I intend to keep it that way, but just for some who don't know how my daily life works, in short, I start creating stories between 8 am or 10 am (It depends on the day before, what time I went to sleep), and I stop with the stories around 10 pm.  Sometimes I go until 2 am doing a story!  I don't want to complain or anything like that.  I have 2 days off a week. One of which is "Crazy Thursday", which I always do on Tuesday or Wednesday, and the other is Monday, where I render the video at night, as it takes about 4 to 8 hours to render the videos.  I have days to rest, but I do it only because my body demands it.   On the days I'm creating stories, I do as much as possible because I love what I do, I do it from the heart, and a lot of people support me in this. This makes me very happy and I'm grateful to everyone who supports me.

Usually, each page takes between 10 minutes (If it's a scene, where only the angle changes or very few details) to 30 minutes (If you need to change the scene or more dynamic scenes). My short stories have an average of 15 pages, and the biggest stories are 40 (but some are even more than that!), and so to maintain the quality and publish every day, I try really hard.  I repeat that I love what I do - I'm just commenting on it because I got a message this month, which ended poorly…

Basically, a person wanted a 100+ page story - that's right, 100+ pages - and he essentially thought I do it as a hobby.  I said the price, even giving a discount due to its size, and said that it would take about 15 days to make the story (I would make 10 pages a day, so as not to delay the other stories).  And well... It was a very unpleasant situation. In essence, he wanted to pay only 20% of the price, even though I gave him a discount... I refused.  I explained everything to him, I even used examples, saying why my prices are what they are.  As I always say, I do this because I like it, because if I were thinking about money, I would have already given up.  Not wanting to belittle the profession, but I believe that a supermarket cashier in the US earns more than I do... And I'm not kidding when I say that, and I certainly work longer hours than they do, without taking vacations or anything like that...

In short, I literally sacrifice myself and I make such an extreme effort, so for someone random to show up, and say how much I should charge for my service... Imagine in your company where you work, out of nowhere your boss says that you, this month you will only be earning 20% of your salary?  How unfair would that seem?  I just wanted to comment on that, as I ended up getting kind of upset about the situation as a whole...

That's what I do. It is a job, so I'm always very happy because everyone supports me every month.  I always say, I can do what I do for everyone's help, but also, when things like that happen, it makes me feel a little down.  I'm still human and I just wanted to comment, vent a little about what I go through sometimes, as similar things have already happened during the year.

Talking about the year, now comes the good part, the retrospective! (And maybe, in case I forgot something, I'll comment at the end, my text has been published. I write as I remember, rather than editing it later, >.<, Only my friend Bob checks it, seeing if there are any errors in his English, he always helps me when the text is as big as a book, >.<)

Perhaps to the surprise of many, the first publication of the year was Neeko's story.  Yes, in January we had Neeko appearing and… well, if I had planned myself better, this could have happened again, as I have already done some pages for the next chapter, but I believe that at the end of this month we will have another chapter of Neeko, one of my favorite stories.

And well, so that we don't keep repeating what I did every month, I'll comment on the story that was the highlight of each month for me and also the video, and I'll leave the link for each one.  As I commented, we had many good stories in January.  Bob with the superheroes, Resmadalos with Hazel, Asfrmaster with the Christmas special, Gorgon Gameshow, Magic of the Nine, Cursed plate, CG, Altar, Naomi, dammit… there were many stories, but as you know, in my heart, as a favorite, there is only room for Neeko, >.<.


And as a standout video, I couldn't miss the Esmeralda video I made. It was something I was testing - the people at Discord know that I'm always trying to create new videos, but unfortunately, videos take so long to prepare. This one by Esmeralda, was one of my attempts at different videos, which by the way, worked out really well.  I really like this video.


And again, in the month of February, we had a lot of new stories.  Two CG chapters, Magic of the Nine, Gorgon Gameshow, among other amazing stories, but the highlight for me was two stories this time.

Gorgon Cave and Guests


Maybe it's the story that I used the most characters (and there were many) but also the final result of the story was very good.

Doll Collector 3: Milf Mambo


And there was no way I could not highlight the Collector's story, one of the first stories I made using the HS2, which at the time was Ai Shoujo.  This is one of the stories that has sentimental value for me and that's why it's on this list.

For video, it's between two, but for the one that got the spotlight, it was definitely this one.

Stone World - Chapter 2 (Video)


And again there is the case. I want to make different videos and really succeed at it. Even though this is a video similar to the others I always do, this one basically explores an environment, in a world where everyone has been petrified, so even though it is a simple video, his situation makes him look so amazing.

And then we go to March, where on the first day, we already had the featured video.

Time Stop Persona 5


This video, I admit, was accidental. I was wanting to make some gifs on Pixiv, and when I realized how big this scene was, I thought "You know what, I'm going to make a video". It was one of the most viewed videos there is, so it wins the spotlight.

For the story, again goes to two stories.

Dream Come True


It could be said that this is where my friend Xiao really started to create his stories, as many people on Discord know, and also on Pixiv.  He is a person who really loves Jiro a lot, which was why he created this one.  Speaking of Pixiv, his is the most successful of all the Pixiv stories currently.

And speaking of success, this second story was also incredibly successful on Pixiv.

The Beautiful Hoard


And here we have Smash, someone who started to write stories in a discreet way, asking for help, having difficulty writing scripts, ended up enjoying the story and writing scripts.  Today he makes one of the most successful stories, both here and on Pixiv. For this story to be highlighted, well, we had special participation from Hordaes here, everything that has to do with the multiverse, stands out for me, >.<

For the month of April, I admit that it was difficult to choose a highlight, I would need about 5 to give to all, but I will only choose 2 of them, the first being…

Gorgon Gameshow Season 1 Finale


The grand finale of the first season of Gorgon Gameshow.  I remember when Tyty commented on this story, about how it would work and the voting, I was a little surprised and also worried.  It seemed like something too ambitious to do with only 15 pages, but even so, I accepted his proposal and I'm very happy that I made this choice.  Tyty is an incredible person, both in script creation, as a person, and content creation.  In case someone doesn't know, he often hires people to create 2D content.  Even before I was a 3D creator, I was already a big fan of his, as were many other people like Zero and Asfrmaster.  You couldn't expect less than fantastic from Tyty, and he created an absolutely incredible story with an epic ending.

And the second highlight was very difficult, but for tie-breaking criteria, Tyty already won a highlight this month, so I'm going to take out Jester's Folly which was a birthday present for him, and the other would be Bob's debut - well, he had already done other stories, so it would be the debut of Jennifer's story, but as I intend to highlight another of her stories, it wouldn't be this time.

Hourglass - A Hypnotic Origin (Part I)


If I could single out a single woman, it would definitely be Erika Stone, maybe my favorite character from everything.  And I mean everything - movies, books, animes, dammit… I like this character, so I'm obliged to highlight her, what an incredible woman, even better when she gets frozen, >.<.

And then, for the video highlight

Frozen Moment 3 (Video)


Frozen Moment videos would be videos showing a big scene, being frozen in time.  This Naomi chapter was a perfect scene for this video, and I'll see if in the future, I can do a scene like this again because I really like videos like that.

And then we got to May. This month was my 1 year anniversary of Patreon, so we had many remakes done this month showing several scenes that I've done since the beginning of Patreon, but the highlights of this month were for other stories.

Hourglass - The Hypnotic Origin Part 2


Here we have a frozen and naked Erika, so there's no way I can't highlight this story, and as this writing is being made as I think, I forgot to comment that this incredible story is made by Zero of the Tuckerverse.  He always create incredible stories like this, and this year there will be more Erika chapters.  Why? Because we need to see her more often, >.<.

Crimson on the Town


For the story of the Crimson Gorgon, I would save it for the last chapter, but there's no way not to highlight this chapter.  The emotion it had when it ended, with the detective freezing the CG, was amazing.   Speaking of incredible, The author of this story, Carnivore, is amazing as well.  In fact, this is also a story that has sentimental value for me because, in the creation of the story, and even today, Carnivore still accepts ideas for his story.  I remember when he sent me a pdf, full of character data, and he actually told me later that the CG was supposed to be a witch, not a Gorgon.  This was a very happy mistake, as she is quite a character.  She’s incredible these days, but I wonder what a wizarding version of it would be like... Maybe one day, Neeko messing up the multiverse, we might see something like this.

And for the video

Paid in Exposure (Video 360°)


Huitzil37 was a Patron who came from nowhere and created an incredible story also from nowhere.  I was simply in awe of this new character he introduced, very different from other characters I always do, and along with a unique scenario he made. So I created a video, which turned out to be really good.

Coming in mid-year, June, where the first highlight goes to

Witch Hazel - A Bad Time Part 2


Did you think Hazel would be left out of that list? Well, you’re wrong - I was just waiting for the right chapter!   In this case, this is this one, where Hazel is frozen, and dammit, what a hot story, Resdamalos made an incredible chapter.  I'm waiting for his return because we need more Hazel, >. <.

And then we have it.

Time Stop Story School's Out


This story was sensational.  Basically, there was a small contest on Discord, where I had already prepared the characters for the story.  People had to write a script using these characters and it had to be a time stop, and the winner was Bob, who created this amazing story.  These girls... They are incredibly hot, I must use them in another story in the future.

And to end the month with the video, we have this one.

The Super Collection Multiplies


This video was unusual.  I wanted to make a video of the superheroes for some time, but because there were so many characters that the video was a problem. Luckily, Bob made a new story, with fewer characters, and I finally managed to make the video, so he gets the spotlight.

June is over, and July is on.

The Dark Deal with the Collector - Part 7


Starting the highlights for the month, we had the story of Asfrmaster.  With so many chapters, the one I chose to highlight was this one because both the captured girls and the new character of the detective gave this chapter an extra bit of spice. I would give it to another chapter, but it's coming out this month.  Asfrmaster, as I've commented before, was someone that I already admired his work a lot, even before I created a Patreon.  When he showed up with an idea to create a remake of his story, I was worried.  It seemed to be a difficult story, but again, I decided to accept and I was surprised how well it went.  He writes amazing stories, but also he is a very nice person.  He was one of the first people who also supported me in my work, who trusted me, and also, as a person, he is amazing.  I talk to him occasionally and at first, I was a little worried about what to talk about because he seemed something "mysterious", but nowadays, I talk to him like I talk to my friends - the only difference is that I use google translator, but he's someone who's fun to talk to.

And for the next story…

DOA - Sands of Time


The debut of DOA. I always wanted to make a story with these characters, and Zero helped make that dream come true.  This story was supposed to be one chapter, but it ended up having success beyond my expectations.  After the second chapter, it was a gift to Zero's friend (who is now also my friend, another amazing person to talk to), and in the second chapter, I realized that it was a story that many people liked, so, being the beginning of the story, it deserves a highlight.

And ending with the video.

Frozen moment 4


As I've commented before, I just love these videos, so this one deserves a highlight, even more so being a remake of an old video I had done.

Passing through July, we arrive in August.

This was another month that was difficult to choose, we had the wedding of Chris and Kira, with Neeko being the priest, with several Ocs participating, but I had to highlight another one…

Magic of the Nine Chapter 14 - Emerald Grove


Many of The Magic of the Nine chapters should be highlighted, but after Eury took Hordaes' wand, there was always a void.  Even knowing they'll need to fight that demon in the elf realm, there was still a villain missing, someone who could put at risk the unlikely group of adventurers, and so here, in this chapter, Esmeralda appeared, revealing herself as the new villain of the next arc.  It deserved the highlight of this month, and as always, Zero wrote an incredible story, and as a person, I'm just speechless.  He's the creator of my series of favorite stories, The Tuckerverse, as well as being a spectacular person, always helping me with scripts.  I joke that if I'm the story-making machine, he's the story-writing machine.  Words couldn't describe how grateful I am for him, for everything he's done, and what he still does, just a spectacular person.

The second highlight was also difficult to choose, I would start with the first one from Gorgon Gameshow, but I need to highlight a style of story, which I think is divided between some people liking it and others not so much.

Auction of Heroine Statues 2(English and Japanese)


My great friend Keita creates a lot of interesting stories.  I like his stories because he has a certain signature.  If you see his stories, without seeing his name, you'll know that the story is his and that's why I said that sometimes can divide opinions.  Well, the story he made of the Lamina or the Orcs… some people commented on the story, but that's the point.  This style of his shows that many times for a woman to transform into an eternal beauty, she needed to go through something not so beautiful, which shows a different side of petrification, and that's why I highlighted this story.  In addition to being a unique way to create stories, Keita is a fun person to talk to, because he always sends emojis when he likes the images, and I find it amusing of him, >.<.

And ending with the video.

Time stop city 2


I love the videos I make, but this one, I admit I was inspired when I made it, because dammit, it turned out really good, and a video I've seen more than once, for reasons I prefer not to comment, >.<.

August is gone, and we arrive in September.

Battle of OCs


The video that was highlighted this month was for sure this one, a battle between the OCs, and of course, I would make a video about it.  Seeing our favorite characters, at various angles, a great video, >.<.

Survival Game - Quiz (Part I)


After Neeko recruited several Ocs, we finally had the big event, all the Ocs together.  I admit that this was an absolutely ambitious story and that would be the reason why it is paused. It is a very time-consuming story to make, and yes, I still intend to do it since it is a very important story for reasons I cannot explain as it would be a spoiler, but it deserves a highlight.  In addition to all the Ocs, it was a story written together with all the participants of this event.

Touhou Impact - Mannequin Madness 2


And the famous "If you like it, there's more", and that's the case for this story.  Again, they liked it so much, I did a sequel, and I already have a script for the next chapter.  If everything goes as planned, I'll do it it is at the end of the month and will be released at the beginning of the next month.

And we end September, and we start the month of October.

I admit that from here on, the texts can become more generic.  As I said, I'm writing as I’m thinking aloud and I started writing this text, 5 hours ago... Yes, 5 hours now writing this text, because in addition to the text, I'm doing other things like posts, talking to folks at Discord, seeing the Fanbox, and booking other posts, as well as a story.  It's now 11 pm for me, the drums are almost gone, and there's a few more pages and a few months before it’s all done, so let's go ahead, >.<.

And my friends, what is this month of October, I admit it's the hardest month to highlight, so I'll just mention a few, which are "God's Blessing on this Wonderful Hour" with the Konosuba story, "Freeze Frame", the famous story that since the beginning of Pixiv wanted to make, "Alchemy of the Nine", where again we have Kira and Hordaes together, "The Medusa Effect part 2", where we have the characters from Magic of the Nine in the history of Smash, "Ancient History", a different story from the ones I normally do, changing the style, "Rent-A-Statue 4 - Life on the Rocks", where several Ocs were arrested for their crimes, and ending the honorable mention, we have the chapter 4 of Stone World, a story of an apocalyptic future, where few people were not petrified.

Now, the ones who managed to take the spotlight, after a lot of thinking, went to..

Crimson Endgame


Here's the big story, probably the most anticipated chapter.  I saw people scream, just like I saw in the Avengers movie, which is surprising to have the same subtitle, >.<. Jokes aside, this chapter had to be highlighted - it was simply incredible, and quite dynamic, so it takes the spotlight, even this month having several weighty opponents to the highlight.

And the other highlight goes to…

Chapter 7 - Nightmare


This was Bob's chapter that I was hoping to highlight.  He is simply amazing, showing that every action has a consequence.  What an incredible chapter this is, which was no less expected from Bob, and talking about him, what a person fantastic.  Few people know, but Bob has a special role at Discord because he really is a person who helps me a lot, always supports me.  When I say I'm down about something, he's the first person to try to cheer me up.  Always helping me and always helping others, he is an example of a person that if the world had more people like him, it would be a much better place.  He is a person I'm very happy to have met.  I remember at the beginning, he got a Monday request, and he didn't quite know how to do it, but surprisingly he did very well and he wanted more.  He waited for the right moment and took a Tier, which gives him 20 pages a month, and today he's creating this amazing story, an amazing person, with an amazing story so it matches very well, >.<.

And ending the month with the video.

Smash Trophy - Celicia Gordon


I believe there is no other video for the highlight, other than this one, the beginning of me entering this meme, which was very good, and I am very happy that everyone has lent me their Ocs so I can make several videos, there is still a few more, but as I have few characters now, I'm making the videos slower, hence the delay, but that was a great idea because I love these videos.

And we ended October and arrived in the month of my birthday, November, >.<.

Another month that was difficult to choose, so I'm going to mention the chapters that deserve a highlight, "Chapter 8 - With Great Power", I just got very emotional with this chapter of Bob, where Jennifer petrified her best friend.  Instead of petrifying Jennifer, he tried to help her, it was incredible. "Magic of the Nine Chapter 17 - An Emerald Duel", finally the showdown, where Esmeralda proved herself worthy of a villain and defeated all the heroines, now adding them to the collection, was a memorable chapter. "Halloween Hijinks" is the fun story of The Black Mage, along with his OC Maya.

And so, this month's highlights are:

Medusa - The End of the Beginning


The return of this series, there was no way not to highlight it, moreover, showing that several universes, where everyone thought they were isolated stories, in fact, were part of the same universe, maybe this is the story that has more chapters since everything is in the same world - maybe it's the "Kiroverse"? That's why she deserved to be highlighted.

Crimson To the Core


And this one, if it had a top 5 highlight of the year, this chapter would definitely be high in that list.  It was the end of the story, where CG, together with Maria, face the detective and win in the end. They win a nice trophy, a detective petrified.  What an incredible story!  Of course, we still have more stories - for example, the story that I’m currently doing as I write this is the next CG story, and good things are coming, >.<.

And for the video.

From Adventures to Trophies


Remember that I always comment, that I try to create new videos? Well, that was the case, for some time I was wanting to do something like an "adventurers museum", and finally, reusing another video I had already made, I managed to create this scene.  Of course, I changed the characters and the poses, and even then, it was amazing.  Of course, with a cameo by the beautiful Berus, a character loved by many.

And finally, after so much writing and writing, we come to the last month of the year, December.

Starting with the video highlight.

MHA - Viral Campaign


A great story, with many characters frozen at the end, needs a video asset, right? And that's what happened in this story, that's why it was highlighted in the video of the last month of the year.

And again, for the last month, it couldn't be an easy choice, and I had a difficult choice again, so an honorable mention for "Romance of the Nine 1 - Matilda & Hordaes" a great story between Matilda and Hordaes, and how they can see, there's a "1" in the story, so let's have more, >.<, "Fracture of the Nine", a Christmas special, where we see Hordaes again, and this time together with Glitterstar, it was a really good story, with beautiful gifts."Museums New Owner", this one is highlighted, because I did all this story in a single day, it took more than 14 hours, that's right, 14 hours, that's why she's here, and I really liked the final result. And also for the 9th chapter of Jennifer, and the new chapter of the CG.

Now this month's highlights are:

All I Want For Christmas Is You


Ryuk attacks again, this time he did a Christmas special, taking several OCs from various stories, and putting them in a Christmas setting, of course, all of them petrified, which made this story stand out.

And the last highlight of the year was…

Beautiful Hotel - Rise of the Valkyrie


The return of the Hotel, showing the incredible story of Heike, this being considered my most ambitious story so far.  There were many scenes, many edits - it was a story that took a lot of work to create, but it was worth every effort and that's why she receives the final highlight of the year.

Well, for the warriors who've come this far, this was my retrospective.  If there's a story that was lacking in prominence, this was something I did out of my own judgment, and also some dubious criteria, like "I can't give too many highlights for the same person", or "I need to highlight this one, because it was a story that behind the scenes has stories that I can't tell, for me it has extra weight", among other criteria that only I know.  There are many stories, which deserved to be highlighted, that's why I give a special highlight to all the stories I made this year, and a more special highlight to all the Patrons, because they are the ones that deserve a highlight.

Again, a happy new year everyone, and finally, a phrase I always like to use, but this time it will be next year: I hope this new year, that it is much better than the year before.  So that's it, guys, thanks for reading this far, and we're done - thanks to everyone!


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