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As the title says, did you think I forgot? Almost, but here I am, better late than never, >.<. And before the news and a summary of the month, I would like to say thank you to everyone, because you are amazing, thanks to your support, I got another month, create several stories, work doing what I love, it doesn't get any better than that, And all of this is possible, with everyone's help, that's why I always give 200% of myself, to create new stories every day, because you deserve it all, and much more. And also thanks to the new Patrons, who are all goods coming, and in case they are a little lost, almost every story has a tag, it helps in the search. Anyway, let's get to the news first.

A novelty, the Hotel's history will become monthly, the reason for this? She is being sponsored by an "anonymous benefactor". I was a little surprised by this, as nothing like it had ever happened before, but then he explained to me that he liked the story a lot, and that he would like to see a sequel, and thus, sponsoring the story, so the Hotel's story was transformed. in a monthly story, i currently have plans for more than 10 chapters, yes, that's quite a lot, so thank you very much to the "anonymous benefactor" (He said he didn't want to be identified, even so, I'm very happy to say his sponsorship was very good).

Will this interfere with my schedule? Not really, just that I'm going to give a certain focus to the Hotel's history, but everything will remain as it was before, and also, if there are more people who thought this idea was cool, and there's that story that was kind of forgotten, and want to sponsor she, send me a private message, here or through Discord, and who knows, you can also sponsor a story, >.<.

The other news, well, it's not new, as it happened last year, which would be my birthday, >.<. I'll be on my birthday on the 25th of this month, and again, I'm doing the same campaign I did last year, if anyone wants to send me a gift, of any value, I'll leave my paypal below, of course, that's only if you want send me something, send me a gift, along with a nice message, or what to say to me through the message, last year I was a little surprised by the amount of people who sent me through paypal, even if it was worth 1 or 2$, all in all, it was a lot higher than I expected, which made me very happy, >.<. Anyway, here is my paypal.


Now for the summary of the month, what happened last month, well, as many say, let's start at the beginning, >.<.

Starting the month, we had a new Doa chapter, this will be another story that can be monthly, because each chapter is a few pages, and also, Zero of the Tuckerverse and I, we already know how it will end, in a few days , we're going to have a new chapter released.

Right after that, we had part 10 of Dark Deal With the Collector, yes, we already had 10 chapters of this amazing story, where it started as a remake of an old Asfrmaster story, and like me, many people thought that the story would end, because Asfrmaster had taken a break from this story, and had done another 3 chapters, but then boom, one chapter after the other, and we got to part 10, and wow, it's getting better and better, and the collection is also getting better. Larger time, I spoke to Asfrmaster this week, asking for the new chapter, as I'm looking forward to more chapters, and I believe there are a lot of people like that too, XD.

A story perhaps unexpected? "God's Blessing on this Wonderful Hour", a time stop, using characters from Konosuba, a story I really liked (In fact, everything Zero of the Tuckerverse has written so far, I don't remember anything I didn't like, >. <), this was a story that had been kept for a long time, but I finally decided to do it, and yes, it will have a sequel, but it will be a story of 3 or 4 chapters, so it will be a very short story. .

Then we had "Freeze Frame", who follows me, you know that one of my first publications using HS2 (which at the time was Ai Shoujo), was a time stop, using Qyianna, a True Damage character, and for a long time I was wanting to make a story, using that as a base, and finally, I managed to create the story. As it is something without a script, just my "libido" showing me what I should do, it will be a story without a schedule of when it will be published, but it already has a few pages of the next chapter, I think Veronica (Protagonist of the story), will be a character that will always get involved in situations like this, something like what happens in Naomi's story, but there won't be a story, but focused only on time stop and sex, as I said, the writer of these stories will be my libido, and for him, he doesn't need words, for him to be satisfied, >.<.

After that we had Keita's story, the "Shinobi Being Turned Into Stone Statues", where we had some ninja girls being petrified by the "mosquito", OPM's character.

And so, boomm, we had the continuation of the CG, with the chapter being called "Crimson Endgame", and my friends, we are reaching the end of this story, on the 18th, the next chapter will be released, and there will be 60 pages , that's right, the chapter will have 60 pages, quite a lot, so the launch was more towards the middle/end of the month, instead of the middle/beginning of the month, Carnivore is having some ideas for the next chapters, ideas that personally I like how they sound, >.<.

We also had Bob's story, "Chapter 7 - Nightmare", where we finally see "All the action, there's a reaction", but apparently, the reaction wasn't very good for Jennifer, and another thing, the 12th will be released the next chapter, and well, dammit, what an exciting chapter, I won't tell you spoilers, but when you see it, you'll understand what I mean ..

We also had a partnership between Zero and Smash, in the creation of the chapter "Alchemy of the Nine", which shows a little of the adventures of the Hordaes in the multiverse. (A theory, but these are past events, or future events of the main story. .. Reflect, >.<).

And then, to participate in the "meme", started the videos "Smash Trophy", where some OC characters, or even characters from some stories, had 30 second videos, where they keep rotating, showing them with clothes, underwear, and then without clothes, and the beginning of that, was the CG, as I mentioned, I intend to release videos like that on Monday, and on Thursday, until I finish all the characters I have on the list, which currently... It seems like it's halfway through ... There's still a lot, but it can be over quickly too... And if you liked videos like this, comment on Discord, which character would you like to watch in a video like this, and I'll make a video like this.

And as the partnership between Zero and Smash was so good, we had "The Medusa Effect part 2", where the characters from Zero, appeared in the history of Smash, which was very good to see, reminding a little of the first ones Chapters of Magic of the Nine.

My friend acbdefg, he come back after a long time, and made the story "Magical Training", where as always, a story a little different from what we see, and even so, it was very good, waiting for him to show up again, and see what he will create.

"Ancient History", a style a little different from the stories I make, not different because of the story itself, but how it was made, almost as if each page were 2 pages, one for the image, and one for the text, and I think in the future to use something like that again, in case someone wants to create a script with more dialogues.

Often, when I create a story, I ask in Discord "I need some volunteer characters for a story", in this case, a cameo, and this time, I needed volunteers to be criminals, in the story "Rent-A-Statue 4 - Life on the Rocks", where we had several OCs being criminals, some with more serious crimes, some with more silly things, but in the end, they all turned into beautiful statues, and as Petra herself says, "In the end, no matter what they did, everything will be forgotten in time, only the beautiful statues will be kept forever", or something like that, I don't remember, >.<.

The return of "Stone World", I thought some people would comment on this return, as some people were asking for the sequel, I always like to see comments on Patreon, >.<. This time, showing the events a little better, how it all started, or why all these girls need to do what they do. Currently, Carnivore is the screenwriter for this story, he and I have an idea of ​​how the story will go, but overall, he's the screenwriter, and as usual, he always makes amazing stories.

And I realized now that we also had "DOA - Rose without Thorns", my idea is 1 chapter a month, but it ended up being 2, >.<.

And we ended the month with "Magic of the Nine Chapter 16 - An Emerald Fracture", as I always comment, Zero always makes amazing stories, and this one wasn't much different, we've already reached chapter 16, and even so, the same curiosity that I've had it since chapter 1, I still have it now, always wanting to know what's next in the next chapter, the events, and how it's all going to happen, while I'm writing this for example, I received the script for chapter 17, when I finish the text, I'm going to check it out, because I'm really curious, >.<.

With that, I close this month's publication, again, thank you very much to everyone, and may this month be better than last month.


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