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With that, we got to the month of July, I admit I was in doubt, which story to choose, because there was also Magic of the Nine, Product Acquisitions and Crimson Gorgon, all of them were very important, but as they are 3 stories, made by 3 Patrons different, if I were to choose one of them, it would be a little complicated ... And also, I am preparing, at the end of all these publications, a giant text, which will be me commenting on each story, and what I think of them.


And this publication, it was chosen, because it was the first vote made in Patreon, and many people liked it, so I continue to do these votes today, and well, I believe they still like them ... (I hope so).

At that time of the month, I had been on vacation at the university, and with that, I got more time to focus on Patreon, a while earlier, I had talked to Zero, and he had given me an idea to create a story, since I had done this, I was thinking "Maybe if I create a new level, and that level has benefits from stories, a certain number of pages, maybe it will work". And to my surprise, it worked, I remember, that I was really scared, because I didn't know how to do all that, luckily, Zero is very good at writing stories, Tyty is very flexible with the story, and Carnivore, and a lot of fun putting together a story with him, I remember when we were talking, and out of the blue, we had done the first chapter of the CG, it was really cool.

It was a month with a lot of stories, and I was really enjoying it all, and then the next month came ...



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