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Well folks, we arrived at the most anticipated time of the month, when I create a gigantic text, and I'm sure everyone should love to read it, XD.

Jokes aside, thank you very much to all Patrons, you are simply incredible, thank you for supporting my work, because without you I would not be able to continue it, so thank you very much.

And also welcome, yes, we had a lot of new people this month, so, welcome everyone, I know there must be a lot, a lot more in Patreon to look for, but take it easy, because I'm sure that ... Well , no, it will be complicated to see everything, because I create something new every day, XD. But well ... Welcome * Laugh awkwardly *

Now let's go to other points of this publication, some news, and a summary of the month.

Last month, like the others, it was incredible, we had several stories, stories that we already know and follow, new stories have emerged, new Patrons of Tier Medusa (To remember, Patron of Tier Medusa, gets a story of 15 pages every month, in case anyone is interested, there is still 1 slot), and with that, we had some really cool stories. Wow, there was a story with more than 15 beautiful statues, the return of Naomi, Eury freezing time with characters from Isekai, the Asfrmaster Collector adding a new piece (which, by the way, she is incredibly sexy) to her collection, and several other incredible stories. Yes, March was incredible, and April is going to be even better.

Well, April started off a little bad in fact * Laughing awkwardly * I just forgot about April 1st, it just disappeared from my memory, I missed the opportunity to have made a joke. To be honest, it was actually quite good, I remember how many times I saw a news story about the continuation of an anime, and I was crazy to see it, or a movie or series, and opened the publication, written very large "First of Abril ", that was very frustrating, maybe that's why I didn't do it either? Well, or maybe because I don't have any good ideas, XD.

Now for the news. Again, I highly recommend you to join Discord, I know that there are many rooms on Discord, and new people may be lost, but still, take a look, and if you are in doubt about Discord, there are moderators, in case I can't help, they can help you, there are 2 events on Discord, which give stories for free, yes, for free, so if you don't find them, you can ask the moderators for help.

This month is going to be a little different from the others, well, just for me ... Basically, I always start a story, do some chapters, and go to another one, and so I go on. Some people wonder about the history of Neeko, others of Medusa, and many about the Collector. Well, I just noticed, that I have a lot of stories at hand, on my Discord, there is a room called "update of the month". I put everything I intend to do that month, and I just noticed that even if I want to make a story, I can't do it, humanly it is impossible. So this is the new story update.

Dos Tier de Patreon: 6 stories of 15 pages. 3 stories of 20 pages. 2 stories of 30 pages and a story of 45 pages. That would be 12 days of the publication week.

Between 3 to 4 votes in the month, alternating between Koikatsu and HS2.

4 videos per month.

4 "Crazy Thursday" per month.

3 Request from Monday

2 Naomi chapters per month

1 Chapter of "Survival games". Yes, many characters have already been recruited, it's time to start.

The story of Naomi, instead of being a week, will be every 15 days, and I put the story of survival, if you notice, all this, will be between 29 to 30 days of the month, leaving me between 1 to 2 days. .. Yes. And we still have 1 Tier Medusa slot left, for that reason, these stories are on "hiatus", not because I don't want to continue them, but because I don't have time for them, so, yes, I intend to do 2 stories per month, and this is very complicated, because stories that I need to continue, more than 10, plus some new ones that I have ...

So folks, I’m going to create a vote, I’m going to create a separate publication, asking which stories they want to see continue, and the one with the most votes, I’ll continue it for the next month.

A news that is not news, basically I'm going to do a super promotion, something like "refer a friend to my Patreon, and I won it here", I'm still thinking how it can work, but my idea would be that as a gift, it would be to be able choose a character, from the thousands that I have saved (In HS2, I have more than 5,000, in Koikatsu, more than 9,000), and choose a pose, something similar to "crazy Thursday", if you refer a friend, you receive the images, if there are 5 friends, a beautiful 360 ° video of this pose. I'm still thinking how to assemble or create this, if you have any ideas, I would be happy to read them.

Well, since I am a person with no time, I have other news.

First, together with Carnivore, we will test a new program, and see if we can create a visual novel, yes, I saw a program on Steam, he bought it for me as a gift, I used this program, I thought it was very good, it should work very well for Visual novel, and the story? Well, he is the creator of Crimson Gorgon, we couldn't wait for anything but her, now we need to know if she is going to be the protagonist, or the villain, XD.

Second, a friend at Discord, he's Patron, but I don't know if I can say his name here, he knows how to use RPG Maker, he's creating a "time stop" game, and I'm going to create the models on Koikatsu, and provide the images for him, something incredible can come out, he already sent me some images of the characters in the RPG Marker, it was just fantastic, I need to try to do something at the same level.

Third, some may already know, but I have a secondary Patreon, but instead of 3D, they are 2D drawings. And that made me very motivated, and gave me a lot of ideas, together with a friend, he created a story in 3D, and a designer is doing it in 2D, it's a 36-page story, he's already made 12 pages, I'll put this story to sell on DMM and DLSite. Yes, I intend to enter the hentai shit. My goal, if that's right, is to create 4 hentais per month, and publish on these sites. One of time stop, one of mind control, one of petrification, and another "Something generic, but that will sell a lot". I believe that within a month, there should be more news.

Well, I think that was it for this publication, I am thinking of creating publications like this (But much smaller), more often, with other subjects, such as, what can I do to better publicize my Patreon? Well, just that question comes to mind now, XD. It would be more "trivial" things. Anyway, again, thank you all very much, and may this month be incredible.


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