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Another month passed, and we arrived in February, many things happened during that month, but before a summary, I would like to thank all Patrons, because thanks to you, that I can do this job, that I love doing it so much , thank you very much.

Now, let's go to the giant text? Well, this time I will be more direct, with well summarized information, divided into topics, I believe that this will be easier for everyone.

New Tier - As you can see, it opened 3 vacancies for a new Tier, called "Euryale!", It is similar to the Tier Medusa, only that it gains another 5% discount on commissions, and has 5 extra pages per month, for for this reason, of the 3 people in this Tier, 2 were already from Tier Medusa, so we currently have 2 vacancies for Tier Medusa.

Discord Explanations - Many new people enter Discord, and are frightened, because there are many, many more rooms in it, for this reason, in one of the rooms, called "rules-and-information", there is a summary of all rooms in the Discord, this should help new people to join.

Commissions: This week, maybe on Thursday, I will set up a new updated table with the prices of commissions, as many people think about making commissions, but do not know how it works, so I decided to do this, I'm just leaving one more "simple" way, because I myself am not very good at putting together story scripts, and I believe that some people may look like, have a good idea, but don't know how to put together a script for it, so I'll try to put something really cool to help everyone create commissions in a simpler and easier way.

Survival: Some must be wondering about this story, well, it will continue, and yes, I achieved the goal, XD. Now I am just deciding how it will work, if it will be survival against everyone, or if in each "phase", one will be chosen as the "boss", while the others try to survive against that boss, I believe that in two weeks, we should start o the first chapter.

Naomi: She's the same case, just taking a break, to see what the next scenario will be, where Naomi will stop time, and yes, the new chapter will be released today. ( Shortly )

Original stories: Some of you may have noticed that I made the history of Medusa, Hotel, Neeko, even Stone World, but I haven't released anything lately, correct? Well, that has a reason, I'm doing the Collector's story, and it got relatively long, so the delay, and unfortunately Tarrot is only online Monday through Friday, and Monday is my day off, so we only have 4 days a week, this explains the delay, but I believe that by Friday, we should finish the story.

Crazy Thursday: If you notice, now every Thursday, it will be a slightly smaller publication, with only one character, and several images (of course, with a very hot pose), along with a 360 ° video. But what would that be? And like the name I said before "Crazy Thursday", on Discord, I made a list, and people put their name, and I follow the order of the numbers, and each week, this person who is chosen, she goes choose a character, the pose, and what will happen to that character. This is a new event that I am doing, as I received very positive feedback in previous publications that I did like this. So instead of me choosing the characters, it will be the Patrons who choose them, XD.

You see, it's usually 10,000 characters, this time it was just 3,000, almost 4,000, XD. Again, thank you very much to all of you, and may this month be much better than the previous one.

Oh, and a final observation, at Discord, I made a calendar, which tells the days of all the stories I’m going to do, summarizing, every day, there will be a new publication, and I intend to keep it that way, counting on the publications of stories, plus the polls, or even publications like that, 10 publications a week, and there is a lot of good history coming this month. Again, thank you very much, and see you in next month's publication (I ended up reaching 4 thousand characters ...).


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