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During that week, Discord was commented on the bonuses, and some people spoke to me privately, so, nothing more fair than explaining, about what is happening with the bonuses, why has there been less bonus time? Why am I asking "like" now? (Someone commented that I look like a youtuber because of this) Because all of this is happening, well, I'll explain, but if possible, read everything, because if you read it halfway, it can be confusing.

Anyway, let's go to the first point, what is the bonus? It's like the name says, "bonus", it would be an "extra", at first, I planned to do it occasionally, or when I saw it was possible to do it, more or less every 3 or 4 publications, I thought about making a bonus, but so I increased my speed, I try more publications, in contrast, I try more bonuses to create.

I'll make an example, imagine yourself, that's right, imagine yourself in your work, but you love this work, it is your dream job, that would be in my case too, but let's get to the point. You start work in the morning, and leave at 5 pm, working from Tuesday to Sunday, then one day when you're leaving, your boss asks you to stay another half hour, to do something for him.

Since you love this job, okay, you want to help, and accept, after half an hour, you leave. Then the other day, when you're leaving, again, the boss asks you to stay half an hour, and again, because you like that, you stay again.

Without realizing it, that occasional half hour became a routine, sometimes even staying an hour, and to prioritize, you don't get paid for overtime, or anything, working every day between half and overtime, times it could be more.

In my case, I was still fine with that, as I said several times, I love what I do, but then sometimes it got out of hand, I won't name names, because I think this is very wrong, and I can't even criticize who did it only that what she did was at a very bad time, and that ended up making me rethink about the bonus.

Going to the point, one day I had two stories planned, because the next day I would have one more story to do, so I finished the story, and went to the next, and out of nowhere this person asked me "You are not going to make the bonus ", he said he was busy, that he would do it at another time, so far so good.

But then he asked me again, and I was still doing another story, and again later, he asked me, to solve this, I went and did the bonus, I sent it to him, and I went to do other things, so that he would appear again, and ask "Can you take more images from another angle?"

Well, that made me very upset, because the "bonus", as I say, bonus, an extra, and not an obligation, is it easy to make a bonus? Yes, but another example, a story I did, gave about 20 pages, do you know how many pages gave the bonus? Almost 40 pages ... About 30 ... Understand my point now, I like to make the bonus, but unfortunately, many people stopped seeing the bonus as it is, and saw it as an obligation, which I owe do it.

I'm launching a new story every day, imagine I need to make a bonus of all these stories? It would be a lot to do, for that reason, I changed the bonus system, in fact, I had thought about stopping the bonus, for something that happened about 2 months ago, that ended up going a bit over the limit, but that doesn't come to the end case.

Gradually after that had happened, I started to make less bonuses, and some people asked me about it, and well, so I don't have to stop with the bonuses (because I know that many people like the bonus, maybe most), I started doing "challenges", or as they told me, just like youtuber, asking for "like". But that was the option I found for the bonuses, so I can see who would like to see them, or not, so I started doing it like this.

But there are some rules that have not been explained about this bonus, each challenge, will be valid for 2 weeks only, for example, a publication needed 15 "likes" for something, but she got that number 2 months later, so it is no longer valid, why is that? Imagine 5 months from now, I need to look for all the challenges I did? Certainly, some would be left behind, so I am going to put some time for the challenges, in the period of 2 weeks I can manage better.

Another point for this, it may not seem like, the "likes" help me a little, since it is not Patron, they seeing the publications with many "likes", this makes them more propitious to become Patrons, than just passing and so, even without the challenges, give a "like" if possible.

Okay, so the bonuses will only work for the challenges?

Yes and no

Yes for some, let's go to a story of petrification, where there is only one character petrified, making a bonus of 3 to 4 pages would not see any problem, but another story that has about 5 characters, that would go to the challenge.

Now for commissions, in case someone says "Kiro, but I want the bonus, I pay for it", that yes, it happened 3 times. How would it work? Obviously I would not charge the bonus, the same amount I charge for commissions, so when it is a commission, I will always give 4 bonus pages, always. But if someone wants more pages, I will charge between 3 to 4 pages, worth just 1. (It may vary, since there are times that we will have bonuses with clothes, and without clothes, or some different ones, so it is between 3 to 4 pages).

Let's suppose that the person wants 20 bonus pages, and I will charge the value of 1 page, for 4, if it were the normal value, that would give 60 $, but as a bonus, it would be only 15 $ (I charge 3 $ per page ), but just a reminder in this case, the Tier discount is not applied to the bonus, as the bonus itself already has a discount.

Reading this part, some may think that I am doing all this, just to earn more money, I will not deny that I like money, but no, that is not the reason, but for some things that happened about the bonus sometimes, and it made me very upset at the time, so I decided to do it this way, and I hope you understand, actually, having challenges now, I believe the number of bonuses can be higher than before, you get more bonuses, and I get more "likes ", everyone wins, XD.

Now enjoy the text, and make some announcements

The next chapter of "Survival" may be the last, and the story may go on hiatus, why is that? As I already mentioned, survival games are "prizes" to celebrate Patreon's achieved goal, which has been varying between 98% and 99% for more than a month, so only when that goal is reached, and will be maintained , let's go back to the games.

I have a basis on how survival games will work, but if someone has some tips, I accept them, because as it has not yet started, some things can be changed.

When they start, I intend to launch a chapter a week, and one elimination a month, with that, we will have many moments between the characters and fights, maybe when there are only about 3 or 4 participants, the event will have faster limitations, or bigger events , but it is still being planned.

Many people are confused about commissions, I am preparing a special publication just for that, focused on explanations and some benefits of referrals or even sharing (Not to be confused, a quick explanation would be, if any of your friends join this Patreon, or you help me to publish stories that I post on Twitter, you will get some "bonus", and this one will not need to pay, XD).

Some people may have noticed, more "time stop" stories and dolls have appeared more often, correct? Well, that is true, but I still do a lot of petrification. I just decided to do this, to have something more balanced, I want to have about 50% petrification, about 25% "time stop", about 15% dolls, and the rest of the 10%, other things. Yes, petrification will have a lot, but also "time stop" and dolls, now 40%.

Because "petrification will have more, well, because if you take the Tier Medusa as an example, they are, that there are 6 people, 5 stories have petrification. The votes of the whole week, are petrifications and dolls, the other 3 Tier with stories, one is time stop, one dolls, and another petrification. Only here we already have more than 9 publications per month of petrification, so I made a partnership with Zero of the Tuckerverse, I gave some history ideas (Some were already his), to create several stories of "time stop" or dolls, and well, we have many of them, so I believe so, for those who like "time stop", we will have more publications, and for those who like petrification, we will still have many petrifications. As for me, well, I'm going to buy more coffee to do all of that. XD

Anyway guys, I hope you understand me about the publication (Since there must be some mistakes in grammar ... But I hope you understand my reason, and well, my grammar too, XD). I really like what I do, and I intend to spend a lot more time doing it, which is why I always need to think about improving, and sometimes for something to get better, it needs to be organized, and I'm gradually organizing it. Anyway, congratulations to everyone who has read this far, and until the next update, which will happen at the beginning of the month.


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