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I would like to thank all the Patreons, this month, on the 23rd, it has been 6 months since I have Patreon, and all this time that I have Patreon, and all thanks to all of you, thank you very much for that. This week, more precisely, yesterday, I was a little upset that I lost some Patreons, but I remembered that I am still very happy to have you all still here, so again, thank you very much, and I hope to see you all you in the next 6 months XD.

Now the information, together with a friend, I did the math, and currently, I create at least 200 pages per month, and those 200 pages would be stories, not counting the times I create the polls, or even the videos, for this, I always follow at a very fast pace, and I still intend to continue with it, I just wanted to share this information here, since even I was surprised by this number, but then I went to take a look at what I had done in these 6 months , well ... I had more than 2 thousand pages saved just using HS2, which I started using it around the same time as Patreon, I think it was until a little after creating Patreon, and I saw that I do a lot of things. So, if one day the financial situation is a little bad, I recommend downloading the Tier, instead of leaving permanently, because if you lose 1 month, there are more than 200 pages that you will lose, XD.

Currently at Discord, I created a room that I comment on what I will do during the week, here I will try to leave what I will do during the month, but it will be a quick summary.

In the first week of the month, it is called "Medusa Week", this week, there will be no videos, polls, or even the "Monday request", because as you can see, there are currently 5 people in Tier Medusa, which would be 5 stories of 15 pages that I have to do, so this week I will always focus only on the stories.

Just remember, Monday is always my day off, because I need 1 day of the week to rest, XD.

Starting the second week, we have the Tier "Mystery", which in the third week also has its history created, which are stories between 25 to 30 pages.

In these two weeks, there are several publications, being on Monday, the publication of the video, on Tuesday, I make the "Request for second holiday". For those who don't know, at Discord, I create a list with 30 slots, and everyone can participate. How it works? You choose a number, writing your name, and a summary, one or two lines of what you want, and then, every Monday, a lottery is held at Discord, and the winner wins a 15-page story (What if to put in values, it would be the same thing as a $ 45 commission, so I always say to join Discord). This story being created on Tuesday.

If you want to link Discord with Patreon, I recommend reading this publication I made.


Even on Tuesday, I already start preparing for the history of the Tier Mystery, and sometimes I start it on Tuesday, and between Wednesday or Thursday I can finish it, since by the day, I am able to do it between 15 to 30 pages.

Even between these days, sometimes I make a commission, if you have any doubts, currently the price per page is 3 $ (This is the standard price, but some stories, for example, need to create an OC character, the price can get higher) , but some Tier have discounts as a benefit, making the price a little lower. Normally a week I am getting between one and two commissions. There have been weeks that I made 4 commissions, so if you think of creating a commission at any time, call me by private message, and we can talk.

Thursday, occasionally I release a video in 360 °, which in this case, is a promotion that I am doing, creating videos in 360 ° costs only 5 $, and the video is more than 30 seconds, showing a character in all corners . This Thursday a new video will be published, if you are curious as they are, check it out.

Friday and Saturday are usually the quietest days, as I get a little free on those days, I usually try to create something on those days, as I am now making the avatars for the Tier Neeko Patreons up. But in the last few weeks, these days I made commissions, and that makes me very happy, since I'm trying to save money to buy a computer

Well, on the 25th of November I will have a birthday, and if someone wants to give me a gift, I am accepting, this will help me buy a computer, because I currently use a notebook, and it is very slow, unfortunately ... One of Patreons already sent me a gift, and I was very happy, even if it is 1 $ already it helps a lot, my PayPal is: kirokrhibi123@hotmail.com

On Saturday, the result of the vote comes out, which then the winner is petrified, and also wins a doll version, and on Sunday I create a publication, showing it from different angles, and on the same day (or on Monday) I publish a new vote.

Basically it would be that on the 2nd and 3rd week of the month, usually what can change and have more content, but never less.

And about the last week, or more precisely, in the last days (since the 4th week of the month always has extra days).

This week I follow the same schedule, the only difference is that I make a 45-page story of the Tier "True Gorgon", leaving it a little slower for the other publications, since there are a few more pages.

And a novelty, now on Discord, I create a room called "Kiro went crazy", that in summary, on the last Saturday or Sunday of the month, I create a 10 hour table, and in those 10 hours, I will let me rent, exactly , each hour only costs 5 $, and in that time, I do what you want (That's what I can do, since I know someone can make a joke about it, XD). In the last month, two people rented 4 hours in total, two hours each.

What was done in those 4 hours is found here.


In these two hours, several petrified characters were made, and in the end, he still used his "avatar" character to petrify her, and better yet, all these characters, he told me, if I need petrified girls in the background, I can use them , XD.



In this case here, I managed to make 2 stories, one showing the same scene from different angles, incredible as it may seem, it took over an hour, almost an hour and a half, because as I mentioned before, I use a notebook, and he was very slow.

In the case of the other, which is a story of 6 pages, with dialogues, I did it in about 30 to 50 minutes, because this scenario is much lighter, and therefore, it is faster to create poses, render the images , and touch the camera.

So, if you want to participate too, stay tuned, as the next time will be on the 29th.

Well, that was all the information I had to say, in case anyone has any questions, comments, or even some new benefit, or something I could do to make Patreon better, comment too, or even by private message, because I I really want to make this Patreon better and better, and I need your help to achieve that. Thanks for reading this far, and see you next month with the next updates.


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