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Well, I know that there are a lot of authors in the Discord group, but I decided to do it especially for one (well, actually he did it on his Patreon, recommending me, and I ended up being very happy with it, so I will return the please), he is "Xbanmc", he writes several stories, focused on hypnosis, and the famous "freeze", I'm not sure how to explain it ...

It would be like that, in some stories, the character hypnotizes the girls, and leaves a trigger, when he says "Freeze", this girl will freeze, or in the Decor story, where the girls end up becoming decorations, and I think his stories are incredible, I’ve read almost all of them, and I’m currently following him, so check it out, on this link, there are some stories about him that you can read without paying anything.


But besides that link, there is your Patreon, where you have early access to some of his stories, and of course, being able to support his stories, currently he and I are going to start a partnership, and I am very looking forward to that.



Kris Piper

Make this a regular thing on here. A linked story of the week thing or something


Well, I like his work, who knows, it might work, besides, his stories, there are many scenes that I could recreate using the studio, so yes, it is possible. Or were you talking about one publication a week, making recommendations?

Kris Piper

Yeah, recommendations. It's hard to find good stories that have quality.

Kris Piper

And I know. I have read alot of them