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This time a special vote, talking on Discord, a Patreon (or a friend, who knows?) Gave me a good idea, and then I ended up remembering my first vote I did, yes, the first one I did on Pixiv , if you think they are bait, see here.


So what am I going to do this time? A bonus vote, to see what comes out of it, that personally I don't even know what can happen, and how will it be? Well, I'm going to copy and paste my first poll that I did on Pixiv, and let's see how it will end, personally I think that something really cool can happen, because as the person on Discord said "Make a surprise", besides being a surprise for me (I’ll look at the vote only when it’s over), and a surprise for all of you, even though I know what I’ll win, don’t know who will appear, anyway, I think it will be something fun to do, I hope that you vote, because the more votes you have here, the better (because the current average is about 40 votes, having more than that, I know you liked the idea).


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