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With that we got to the first publication by Patreon, I got this idea in the Discord group, and only who is Patreon will be able to see it, if you are from Patreon's first level, and not part of Discord, there are two ways to achieve this, the first, would be to say "I want to be part of Discord" in addition to enjoying this publication, and soon after I will send an invitation, the other way, is to expect to reach 50 people at this level, because when I get to that, I will release Discord to all.

So every Tuesday, something new will come out, it could be anything, like petrification, mannequin, doll, stopping time, maybe even a mind control, or even ignored existence, anyway, I hope you like it, because I personally liked it a lot of how the final result was, I’ll see if I can release some more videos this week, just hope that the college exams are easy, and give me time with that ... Anyway, I will stay here, until the next.



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