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My GTX 570 finally gave up as I can’t use the maker and studio anymore (as the photo shows, there are white glitches when I open them, and after that my computer shuts down). That means I can’t make new characters, outfits, pictures, and videos for now. I suspected it was only a Koi problem and tried to fix it for hours, but after testing, this happens with other 3D games too like FOF, so I guess it’s just my gpu can’t handle them anymore.

Sorry that I can’t make a nsfw video for this month! Though I did make a short welcome video yesterday so check it out if you’re interested!! 

Regardless, I’ve already prepared next month’s character updates, so the rewards for next month will still be available! Sadly I haven’t finished next month’s outfit and previews, so I’ll see if I can make a new one if my new computer arrives in the middle of January, or else I may have to post February’s outfit instead if it’s too late.

Also a small WIP (the last photo), I was making Elaina, but halfway the glitches started to appear and crashed. Fortunately, I’ve at least saved a version with most of her face done, so the rest should be fine. I planned her to be March’s character (my new computer should’ve already arrived by then...).

TLDR: I can’t make anything new now due to my driver failure, but most rewards will continue such as characters for next month. I’ll post character updates and the event for next month a few days before the end of this month. 

Thank you for your support!




Cheer up we can wait take your time!


Thank you! On the bright side I’d definitely be more productive with my new pc (´∀`)b