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Last Updated on Sep 10th, 2023 (updated scene preview)



.。・:*♡ Welcome! Thank you for supporting me! ♡*:・。.

Being my patron indicates that you've read this FAQ fully and agreed to the terms and conditions. I'm NOT obliged to respond to enquiries.

※ Please note that I may not be able to provide rewards to you if you do not comply with the rules.

I cannot give refunds once you've received rewards, including early access, poll voting, or Discord access.

.。・:*♡ Tiers ♡*:・。.

Please refer to my "monthly updates" posts for more detailed information on rewards!!

(If you'd like to tip, please do so via ko-fi instead of Patreon/FANBOX!!)
※ I will NOT send rewards if you delete your pledge, as it'll be classified as support only or that you wouldn't like to claim the rewards.

.。・:*♡ Before you use ♡*:・。.


  • Earthship will not be held liable for any problems or damages that may occur when using these data. Please use at your own risk.

■ Allowed ■

  • Personal, non-commercial use

■ Prohibited ■

  • Redistribution (including modified redistribution)
  • Taking parts of the card and share them (e.g. textures)
  • Commercial or profiting purpose

If you used any parts in your work, you MUST credit me by linking to my page (e.g. on pixiv, Twitter)


copy and paste directly!
pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/5153513
twitter: @_earthship

Please don't urge me to send rewards.

Please pay for expedited processing if you'd like to receive it faster.


  • Patreon doesn't process your pledges that fast due to high traffic.


  • I'm a fourth-year medical student, so I can't be online 24/7 due to my studies. I also customise each card individually, so it takes a lot of time. (You can opt out to have a generic card.)

.。・:*♡ FAQ ♡*:・。.

How to get cards?
  • Cards and outfits are available for $69/$168 tiers or separate purchase (subscribers have a 30% off discount!).
  • Please connect your account in my Discord server according to the welcome email.
  • Please send me a private message about the character you'd like to receive or purchase.
  • Processing times will vary depending on my workload. Cards are generally processed within 15 business days of receipt.
  • Cards are sent via Discord's private message.

Please allow at least 15 business days for rewards to be prepared to account for increases in workload.

Expedited Processing
  • Three Business Days Expedited Service $88

Card completed and sent within three business days after receipt.

  • Two Day Expedited Service $99

Card completed and sent within two business days after receipt. Requests must be received by noon (UTC+8). Payment received after noon will be reviewed by noon on the next day.

If I still haven't sent the rewards after 30 days (and you didn't delete your pledge and/or have a second warning), please message me to obtain the rewards.
overdue request (e.g. after the distribution period) of reward(s) require an additional fee (depending on complexity).


※ Butters is not available since 2021/08/17.

If you'd like to commission me (characters, coordinates, scenes, mods etc.), please read here!

I don't have the Discord role!
  • It could be due to unsuccessful payment (i.e. declined). Please wait for a few hours or check your payment method/card used!
  • If you didn't join my Discord before, T-800 (Double Counter) will kick you unless you verified in its DM. Please follow the steps written in the welcome note (email)!
  • Please try re-connecting your discord account on Patreon. (instructions)
  • You may have one or more warnings.
What are the differences between LITE and FULL cards?
  • FULL Monthly characters will become lite version ($10) after a month
  • LITE version ($10) is less detailed (e.g. no shader edits and custom normal maps, smaller texture sizes).
Example: (before is LITE; after is FULL)
FULL version is the exact same characters I use in my screenshots.
Your cards look different than mine!
  • Please refer to my 360° videos or pictures marked "not post-processed"!
  • It may be caused by shadow types and shader settings. You can replicate it completely with my settings in the MEGA folder (charamaker settings) or my「note メモ.txt 」, or just adjust them to your liking!
I can't load your cards/coordinates!
  • Please try reloading the card/coordinate.
  • If that still doesn't work, please use the DragAndDrop plugin to load it.

Mod problem:

  • If there's any missing mod, please read the 「note メモ.txt 」in the MEGA folder for troubleshooting if the card doesn't load correctly.
  • Please update your mods to the latest via KKManager or individual download here.
  • Some mods may not have been updated in the above, please also search in the #mod-sharing channel in the KK discord by using the mod or author name.
e.g. if your game shows "earthship.qipao" is missing, then earthship is the author name; qipao is the mod name. (assuming the modder named them correctly)
  • If some mods are commonly missed (reported by several people), I'll add their download links in the 「note メモ.txt 」.
  • If you still can't find the mod, please google it.

Plugin problem:

  • Please install the plugin pack in my MEGA correctly.


You must follow the steps below strictly!

If there already is a BepInEx folder in your game folder,

1. Rename or move it to another place outside of game folder (e.g. Desktop)
2. Extract the zip you downloaded to your game folder.
3. Everything should load correctly.

If you're unsure what you're missing, feel free to send me a screenshot or an output_log.txt so that I can troubleshoot with you.

For other technical game issues, please read the #faqs.

What are PSDs? Can I eat them?

No, you can't, but please read this tutorial to know more!

.。・:*♡ Outfits ♡*:・。.

(discord message)
You can buy outfits directly!

※ different versions (including extra versions) are classified as separate coordinates.

※ Please check the #°🚧✧『wips』♡ channel for the specifications of the outfits (if any)

Continuous support outfits【long time supporters (1 year) only】

Continuous support outfit request form in #°🌙✧『night-service』♡ channel

1 month of support = 1 point (❤️)

1 year of support = +2 points (❤️) 15% off! (save $60!)

You can use your points to redeem outfits you like for FREE!

  • Each outfit in the "x❤️" folder requires x❤️ (points) to redeem
  • You can redeem outfits in the "x❤️" folder with sufficient points (e.g. 3 points = 1 outfit in 3❤️; 12 points = 2 outfits in 6❤️ etc.)

I also make a unique loyalty card for you when you redeem the outfit(s)!

Terms and Conditions:

1. Not applicable if you have received any warning(s).
2. The accumulated points will be effective until discontinuation of support for 6 consecutive months. Points not redeemed after the expiration date will be automatically cleared without prior notice.
3. You must subscribe $30 tier for the same number of months as the points.
4. You must be in $30 tier to redeem the outfit
5. Please calculate the points yourself ♡

Unavailable coordinates: not for request/sale!

  • Qipao (the drape, other parts such as the pantyhose and gloves are still loadable).
  • DOA Helena Succubus Outfit
  • White Garter in Nun XX (used another modder's private mod)
  • Special event outfits
  • Present outfit (because it's my birthday gift ( ›ω‹ ))
  • Casual outfit (modder of the tanktop doesn't allow commercial use)
  • 地雷バニー
  • generally anything that are not in the COORDINATES folder

.。・:*♡ Original Scenes Request【$42】♡*:・。.

(including commissioned/requested scenes)
Last Updated on Sep 10th, 2023
Full image previews are available in the #°🛠✧『engine-room』♡ channel!
scenes with blank backgrounds are best used with the respective PSDs!

Thank you for your support! Have fun and enjoy! (🖒^^)🖒



I just joined, love your work, is that a legit thing people are willing to do? Seems really petty.


Thank you! And yeah, but they don't matter, it's you that matters (cheesy, i know :p)


>。< I'm sorry to bother you. I want to know why my discord can't accept the invitation?


Hi pp4841019, your discount account was too new, so it was banned by the bot. I've unbanned you, so you can enter and verify according to the welcome note!