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Hello everybody, Sorry for the silence on my behalf. Recently my MacBook I worked on decided not to boot up any more, so I couldn't work properly and/or stream. Luckily because of your support, I've been able to afford a 2nd hand and very powerful PC tower and will be able to continue making shiny pictures very soon again! However, due to our 2nd child being born this or next week, things may still be going very slow. If I feel things will be so slow that I don't feel comfortable with getting patronage from you people, I might even decide to pause this Patreon for February. I do have plans to make video tutorials and whatnot for colouring and maybe a short explanation on the KYTHERAverse as well. Let's see how things go and please let me know what you'd like to see in the future. As always, thank you so much for your continuous support and understanding! Yours, Toni


Jeremy Christensen

I kind of figured it would be a bit on the slow side for the next month or two......possible longer due to the upcoming addition to the family (Congratulations!!) but i don't mind the slow down considering the little bit i send your way each month!! I hope everything goes very well for you and your family!!


Hi Toni, Happy New Year, Congratulations for your second child. I'm sorry to hear about what happen to your computer, hope everything turns out ok.


Thank you for your kind words as always. I'm slowly working myself in the new machine, as I've never dealt with a Windows computer before as my main computer, and certainly not such a powerful one as this. However, it's not so very different from a Mac, you just have to install drivers and so on more by yourself (which I kind of like, as it gives you more control). I'm looking forward to the potential of this machine as I progress! It's going to be a fun ride :)


Thank you, and you likewise! It's going to be a few very busy months, but it's just the way it's going to be. The old computer will be revived at some point, but it'll be a while. Luckily I already have a new monster as a replacement that needs to be tamed.