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Last night's stream was rather busy! I was surprised at the number of viewers that showed up, and the number of requests I got on top of that. I didn't manage to get around to all of them, and I don't know if this is going to be a regular thing from now on, but I wanted to ask that all patrons try and get any requests they want in before the stream begins! Just to make sure you get in the queue.

It'll be first sent, first served, so, feel free to send them in at any time during the week! Either through messages here on Patreon, through my messages on Discord (@WaitFurGodot), or in a whisper message during the stream (any whisper messages sent outside of stream time do not make it to me, as Picarto clears my dashboard every time it's closed). But also remember, any $5+ patrons are granted the right to get their request put ahead of any of the free viewer requests, so don't hesitate to send a request during the stream!

I'm going to start keeping a notepad open during stream to keep track of requests and might try and figure out a way to put it on stream. Thanks everyone for joining me and supporting me!

And thanks for waiting


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