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Things I am going to try and accomplish in 2023

1. Complete the animatic for "The Wulver." You may have seen me posting some art for it exclusive here, or drawing it during some streams, but I've been working behind-the-scenes on the storyboards for this short film for quite awhile. I'm guessing it'll be around 10 or so minutes long, but I haven't timed it out yet. Might end up being longer or shorter.
2. Complete minimum one gif loop every quarter (3 months). This doesn't count the special offer gifs I'm almost done with. I just need to start putting out more of my own projects & ideas to let people know the kinds of things I enjoy.
3. Start putting out pages for "Dollhouse." This comic idea has been in my head for awhile. Again, another exclusive thing I've only posted here & worked on in my streams.
4. Maybe figure out how to do exclusive streams? I don't know how to do these with Picarto. Maybe there would be a special chat for only patrons? A password protected stream? Whatever the case, once I figure it out & gain enough of a following to warrant it, it'll be added as another perk somewhere in the future & I'll start doing bonus streams maybe once a month just for patrons.

I feel like that's enough for now, what with how busy everything is at the moment. There's lots of personal things I'm hoping to accomplish this year, too, though. Like, buy a bigger vehicle to live in, sell off the rest of my stuff so I can get rid of my shed payments, get healthcare to fix my old wheelchair or buy me a new one, figure out how to live in my cramped car or future truck with a wheelchair, etc.

Fingers crossed this year goes smoother than my last couple have. Knock on wood for me, if you could.

And thanks for waiting,


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