Original Song Lesson | NEW ORIGINAL SONG [Learn Shamisen SPECIAL] ③ -- オリジナル曲 | オリジナル合奏曲③ (Patreon)
This video covers the melody from one of the 'Oyamasankei' songs that is used in the new Learn Shamisen’s original ensemble song. In the ensemble song, the melody is played with Bachizuke. Let’s aim to keep the correct Bachizuke with any Tsubo moves!
Vocabulary List
Tuning - to adjust the pitch of the Shamisen
Niagari - the tuning with the first string in C, the second string in G, and the third string in C. The base note on the first string can be other notes than C, but the balance between the three strings remains the same
Bachizuke - to create rhythm by using Maebachi and Ushirobachi
Tsubo - positions on Sao (shamisen neck) that indicate where to hold strings with the string-hand fingers to determine musical scale of sound
Maebachi - to strike bachi at upper shamisen body (closer to neck) to produce a change in sound dynamics and rhythm
Ushirobachi - to strike bachi at the lower part of shamisen body (closer to the Koma) to produce a change in sound dynamics and rhythm
Urama - the unique concept of beats in Minyo (folk music). Urama always comes after Omotema.
Chiri-chiri - a phrase that repeats Tataki, Hajiki, Tataki, Hajiki on the third string
Tataki - to strike a string and shamisen body with bachi to produce sound
Sukui - producing sound through upstroke of the bachi
Hajiki - to pull off a string with index/ring finger of your string-hand to produce sound
Kyokubiki - performing a piece on the shamisen alone, with no singing - Tsugaru Jongara Bushi is often referred to as ‘Kyokubiki’
調弦 - 三味線の音程を調整すること
二上り - 一の糸をドにしたときに、二の糸がソ、三の糸がドになる調弦。一の糸をド以外にすることもあるが、三本の音の関係は変わらない
バチ付け - 前撥・後ろ撥を使ってリズムを出すこと
ツボ - 音程を決めるために左手の指で弦を押さえる棹(さお) の場所のこと。1~20まである
前撥(まえばち) - 三味線の胴の前の方 [棹(さお)に近い方] で音を出すこと
後ろ撥(うしろばち)- 三味線の胴の後ろの方 [駒(こま)に近い方] で音を出すこと
裏間(うらま) - 民謡にある独特の拍の概念。表間の後に来る拍
チリチリ - 三の糸で、叩き・ハジキ・叩き・ハジキを繰り返すフレーズのこと
叩き(たたき) - バチで糸と皮を叩くようにして音を出すこと
スクイ - おろしたバチを糸の下から上に向かってすくい上げて音を出すこと
はじき - 左手の人差し指や薬指でで糸を弾いて音を出すこと
曲弾き(きょくびき) - 唄が入らず三味線だけで一曲演奏すること