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  • SAKURA melody.mov
  • Amaoto melody.mov
  • Amaoto sub.mov
  • Sakura sub.mov
  • Ringobushi.mp4



Thank you very much for always learning Tsugaru Shamisen with us!

This fall, we are going to hold an online music festival again where you can connect with worldwide fellow Shamisen players!!

Because we all are in different countries and it is challenging to meet in person to play together, we would like to create ensemble videos by combining performances sent in by each of you.

We have prepared 3 songs for the ensemble, and you can participate in one or more of them. Additionally, some of the songs have two parts (main melody and sub), so you can choose your preferred part and enjoy playing your favorite song! Please make sure to tune your Shamisen according to the instructions below and the attached demonstration videos.


  1. Amaoto
    [Tuning] Niagari of C
    Review from here: bit.ly/Amaoto

  2. Sakura Custom Variation
    [Tuning] Niagari of C
    Review from here: bit.ly/SakuraCustomVariation

  3. Ringo Bushi
    [Tuning] Niagari of D
    Review from here: bit.ly/Ringobushi

    Also, if you are taking on the challenge of Kyokubiki this year, Why not give it a shot to share it?
  4. Kyokubiki
    [Tuning] Your choice!
    Length: Approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds


We also plan to participate in the ensemble.
Looking forward to playing with you all!!



Step 1: Download the example video file that is attached to this description

Step 2: Listen to the example video with earphones/headphones and record your playing
(ONE RULE: Please play along with the example video and match the timing, so we can put all the participant’s videos together to make the virtual ensemble video)

Step 3: Upload your video (UNLISTED) to YouTube
(ONE RULE: Please include your Patreon Username in the title of the video)

Step 4: Use the Learn Shamisen Patreon Messages to send us the link to your video.

- Please tune your shamisen to the same key as each example video!
- Do NOT edit the sound!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop them in the comments below!

11:59 PM JST on November 30th, 2023

みなさんいつもLearn Shamisenで三味線を学んでくださりありがとうございます!

去年に引き続き、世界のLearn Shamisenの仲間と繋がれるオンライン発表会を企画しました。実際に会って一緒に演奏するのは難しいですが、一人一人から送ってもらった演奏を合わせて合奏の動画を作りたいと思います。




  1. 雨音
    [調弦] C 二上り
    復習はこちらから: bit.ly/Amaoto
  2. さくら変奏曲
    [調弦] C 二上り
    復習はこちらから: bit.ly/SakuraCustomVariation
  3. りんご節
    [調弦] D 二上り
    復習はこちらから: bit.ly/Ringobushi

  4. 曲弾き
    [調弦] 自由
    尺: 2分30秒 程度





ステップ1 - お手本動画を添付からダウンロード。

ステップ2 - お手本動画の演奏をイヤホンで聴きながら自分の演奏を撮影。

ステップ3 - ご自身でYouTubeに限定公開でアップロード。

ステップ4 - そのURLをLearnShamisenのPatreonメッセージで送る。

- 調弦はお手本動画と同じキーに合わせてください。

- 音の加工はしないでください。

2023年11月30日 23時59分 (日本時間/JST)


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