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Hey everyone!! Welcome to 2022! あけましておめでとうございます!

Last year, we uploaded over 50 videos here on Learn Shamisen! We know that’s a lot!

And this year, as we continue to upload new videos every month, we wanted to work out a simple and fun learning program for you to follow to help you with your learning!

We have outlined a 3-Month Learning Program for the start of the year!


Month 1: Beginner Skills - Everything you need to get to get started
第1弾 : 三味線の音を出すまでの、はじめの一歩

Month 2: Next Steps - Let’s get playing and learn some new skills
第2弾 : 簡単な曲を弾いてみよう!

Month 3: TSUGARU Style - Getting into playing real Tsugaru-style shamisen
第3弾 : 津軽三味線の音を身につけよう!


Lee Geum-ja

Hello, so happy to be here ! I just have a little question : my friends bought me a sanxian for my birthday (which I'm so excited to receive !) and I can't find any online course, so I thought as it's in the same instrument family as shamisen, do you think your courses will be able to help me learn how to play it? Thank you !

Learn Shamisen

Hi Geum-ja, Thank you so much for your question! That is such a beautiful birthday gift from your friends😊 Indeed as you mentioned, Sanxian is called Chinese Shamisen in Japan, and it's similar to Tsugaru Shamisen. Therefore, there might be some information you could use to learn Sanxian from our lessons. However, we can't give you detailed advice on how to play the instrument because we don't know the details such as how to describe the sanxian's hold position or how to hold the body. Also, Sanxian uses a plectrum while Tsugaru Shamisen uses Bachi to play, so please note that the movement of your right hand would be completely different. Although it would be a rare case to learn Sanxian through Tsugaru Shamisen course, we do not think it is impossible to play. Actually, it could be fun to challenge. For example, if you could tune the Sanxian in the way Tsugaru Shamisen is tuned, you might be able to play the "Sakura Sakura" song from our lesson since it is not a complicated song. Hope this helps you a bit, and will be able to have fun exploring the instrument!