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Exciting announcement! Now we have a Learn Shamisen Newsletter!!

We will be sending out one to two bite-sized pieces of advice about Shamisen each month. And you can be the first to know about in-person events and lessons around the world and in Japan!

If you are interested, anyone can sign up from here:

Pairing these tips with the daily lesson videos from Learn Shamisen guarantees progress! We look forward to your sign ups<3

The Inspiration Behind Learn Shamisen by KIKI

The inspiration behind Learn Shamisen for us, KIKI, was a workshop we held in Vancouver, Canada in 2019. We were amazed to see how popular Tsugaru Shamisen had become worldwide. Even in Canada, there were many people who had purchased instruments and were self-teaching themselves the techniques of Tsugaru Shamisen. It was truly heartwarming to see the instrument crossing borders and spreading beyond Japan.

Through our workshop experience, we realized that while modern online resources have made it easier to learn playing techniques, there are fewer opportunities to learn the handling and maintenance of the instrument, which are traditionally taught by teachers or instrument stores in Japan. We also realized that there are many important aspects beyond just playing techniques when it comes to handling a Shamisen.

To make the instrument more accessible and share the basics of Tsugaru Shamisen, from fundamentals to playing songs, we decided to start Learn Shamisen. Our goal is to create a platform where you can learn the intricacies of the Shamisen alongside playing and enjoy practicing as if you were attending lessons in Japan.


Learn Shamisenメーリングリストのご紹介!

この度、Learn Shamisenのメーリングリストを配信していくことになりました。三味線についてのワンポイントアドバイスを月に1〜2つお送りしていきますよ。


Learn Shamisenの日々のレッスン動画と合わせて見ると上達すること間違いなし!!

輝&輝がLearn Shamisenを始めたきっかけ

私達、輝&輝(KIKI)がLearn Shamisenを始めたきっかけは、2019年にカナダのバンクーバーで開催したワークショップでした。現在、全世界で人気になっている津軽三味線。カナダにも、実際に楽器を購入して、独学で津軽三味線の技術を習得されている方がたくさんいらっしゃるのにはとても驚きました。津軽三味線という楽器が日本の国を越えて世界に広まっていることが本当に嬉しかったです。


より楽器を身近に感じてもらうために、津軽三味線についての基礎から、曲を演奏するまでの「いろは」を世界に発信できる場を作りたいと思い、Learn Shamisenを始めました。まるで日本でお稽古に通っているように、三味線の細かい部分を演奏と共に学び、楽しくお稽古をしていただけたら嬉しいです。




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