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Hey guys sorry thing are a little quite here at the moment I'm currently working hard on the Rayne pack which in my opinino looks awesome XD. But speaking of packs I wanna run a possiable idea for one past you guys. Now I know Iv done both Coco and Tawna Bandicoot as packs in the past but how would you guys feel if I did one with there updated designs? Maybe a pack with both of them in? What do you guys think?



Sure! As long as you would like to do it and it doesn't add more to your plate, why not? :p


It would be awesome but dingodile and ripper roo are right there


a pack with 2 characters could be something interesting to see, you havent done that yet


I don’t think anyone would object if you did a two-for-one.

Tyler Lewis

That would be great


That sounds great 👌


I would enjoy seeing a pack with both of them with their updated designs, as well as them both in the pack : D


A pack with oiled tickle feet