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Not going to lie was kinda hoping for isabelle for this one but eh I'll do her for the pack after :P Anyways folks out of my current OCs which one do you want to see in the next pack?

. Rayne https://sta.sh/0muoxb57024

. Ghost https://sta.sh/021t4n7adsin

. Jackie https://sta.sh/0p7wedge11f (This one is a Male)

. Somaika https://sta.sh/0rpoheygfpj (Some of you may know her as Zommica)



My heart say's Ghost....Buuut I'm voting for Jackie. ^^


A bit of an unrelated question: Whatever happened to your OC Katie? I really liked her design a lot. :0


She is still about I just haven’t drawn her in a while, might redesign her as a white elf or stick with what her design is currently not sure yet lol


I, for one, hope you stick with her current design. It looks fun!


Who's this Somaika? I haven't seen anything of them yet : o


Yeah I haven't draw much of her lately 😔 I really need to Somaika has been around with me for a long long time I created her back in high school.