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The feast was ready well into the night. In full armor, we feasted with our weapons close by. Fish, lobster, Alfredo pasta, and more filled plates. Fine bone China from the cabinets and silver utensils were used instead of hunting knives as we ate our fill. Our group seemed to relax as the feast carried on without any disturbances.

“So, how long do we have before the shoe drops,” Azizi asked.

“We have another hour at the most. I don’t know what, but something grows this food to capture adventurers. It will likely wait up to three days for us to finally drop our guard before striking.” Zeff said.

Zeff turned a page in his tome, revealing the image of a monstrous woman covered in writhing shadows. The monster behind this place was the reason the event was triggered. Only I had more questions.

“Why would we drop our guard in a dungeon?” I asked.

Hati glanced at me, still dressed in full plate, then at Melony, wearing a cloak with leather. The wolfman happily shoved a piece of fish in his mouth.

“It won’t matter; this book has revealed the monster’s weakness. A spell slot is hidden somewhere on the property; if we try and claim it, the boss will attack.” Zeff said.

The Zebra looked smug as hell, but I couldn’t blame the man. We were about to fight the boss, rested after a full meal. The monster wouldn’t know what hit it.

“We can also turn this place into a safe room after we beat the boss, or were you going to leave that out,” Azizi said.

Zeff slammed his fist on the table. “It's mine. I did the real work here. The church will reward you all for delivering a safe room on the second floor. Who else but they can upgrade this place into a true training facility?” Zeff said.

“You didn’t discuss it with us and instead decided to hide it from the group. Why not offer to bargain on our behalf to get us the best deal instead of stealing what we didn’t know we had?” I asked.

“The church is ultimately his master. The rewards he would gain from negotiating a fair deal are far less than if he stole it out from under us.” Hati said.

“My father is rich; if I have a cut, some investing is possible. We can turn this place into a gym with membership requirements.” Melony said.

“Is money all any of you care about?” Zeff said.

I glanced around the table. Clearly, everyone was on the same page except Zeff. I nodded to Melony.

“Well then, I can only say I’ve done my duties to the church, and my party has voted against handing over this incredibly lucrative resource to the church. I suppose I they will have to settle for my tithe.” Zeff said.

“That’s the spirit; when we return, I’ll buy you a nice bitch with six juicy titties,” Melony said.

The rouge was growing on me. I might have started liking Melony if she hadn’t shot at me.

A training facility was exactly what we needed; by their words, it seemed we could upgrade it in the dungeon.

“Let's make a bet. Who has the spell slot in the basement?” I asked.

Melony raised a hand.

“What are we betting?” Melony asked.

“How about the first choice of whatever loot the boss drops?” Azizi asked.

I nodded at the not-so-subtle dig at me.

“The dried up well; I bet it opens up for a boss room,” I said, thinking of a Japanese ghost story.

“The woods,” Hati said.

“Somewhere in this house,” Azizi said.

“The lake,” Melony said.

Zeff turned a page and pulled a bronze key from the book.

“It is in the well. That book was difficult to decode. I almost failed to find the location of the spell slot.” He looked around the room. “Since I’m the one who found it, dibs,” Zeff said.

I shrugged as we finished dinner. Triggering an attack instead of getting ambushed seemed like a good idea. Getting the first pick of the loot was even better.


The well was dark and covered in roots dripping sap filled with iron. Corpses littered the dried crack ground, but no insect scurried in the well. Even the corpses looked mummified, untouched by natural decomposers. A glowing crystal was on a stone pedestal at the end of the well. After Zeff dropped down, the darkness swirled.

Buffs hit first as the boss appeared. There wasn’t enough space to summon Dom, but that was fine; we had everything under control. I crossed the distance before the monster fully formed and activated Accel Burst. My movement speed doubled, and I punched the mob. I watched my fist pass through it, but the light struck. An arrow flew through it as I jumped off the wall for a second attack. At my speed, the arrows seemed slow.

“Ghost,” Azizi yelled, and Hati stopped shooting. Melony aimed another shot and fired. The arrow whizzed too close to my neck. “Stop firing I said, ghost; that means the mob can’t be hurt by pure physical damage.”

A dark tentacle slipped into the tree roots, and they rose like dozens of raised fists. I felt a root catch me in the back, and I stumbled. The rest of the roots took that moment to swing. I raised my fists as the light burn damage took effect. Long ghostly hair stood on end as the mob suffered continuous light damage.

I threw myself into her with a tackle. She shrieked as I hit her with a flurry of blows doing nothing physically but hitting her with rapid light damage and light burn. A massive root rose wider than my body, and the spirit cackled.

Azizi and Hati caught it before it could flatten me. Zeff slammed his staff through the mob. “Turn Undead,” Zeff yelled, and the spirit flinched.

Her shadows fell limp, and I wailed on it, practically shadowboxing. The damage was stacking until I felt it hit critical.

The spirit glowed bright, then crumbled into ash.

Accel Burst ran out as items dropped.

A yellow glow filled my vision, revealing a pair of spiked black metal gantlets. They had little spiked fingertips and cushioning inside. If I wore them, my hands would look bigger and more sinister. Scrolls with skulls, lightning, fire, and tree wax seals dropped. A nice-looking bow with rippling shadows going up and down its length gave a soft orange glow. Then there was the staff with radiant stars shifting across its surface; most likely, it was supposed to go to Zeff.

I picked the gauntlets and traded my own out.

Obelisk Gantlets lvl4

Rarity: Rare

DEF 25

Unarmed DMG 25 + STR/DEX

+15 STR

+10 DEX

+20% Weapon DMG

Armor Ability Slots: 1/1

They fit better than any gloves he had ever worn and felt amazing. It felt like punching with my gantlets on could do some real damage instead of the low numbers I was getting. Maybe they were part of a set. Some more Obelisk gear might be worth farming.

Do you wish to claim the location: Cabin in The Woods?


“Alright, guys, who got the prompt.” I raised my hand. “Yea, you did do most of the damage. Alright, accept the prompt and open your status.” I hit Y and did as I was told. “Go to locations and then Cabin in The Woods. Now go to location status and change the location to a party building.” Azizi said.

I did so, and everyone else opened up to it.

“Good, we can enter anywhere on the second floor through the system,” Hati said.

Azizi pulled the third bronze key out of the goo pile, and we were set.


We returned to the elevator after taking on a couple of dungeon surges. Dom swept through the numbers, and I captured a few more raptors to pad out our numbers disadvantage. We had 5 raptors zooming around us and Dom breaking armies of mobs. I even managed to capture a Trex. There were plans in motion to put guns on it or maybe put metal on its bones. My lvl finally hit 5, and I was beyond happy. My spell slots were in double digits, and I had 5 ability slots. On top of that, my MOD was 1.5, so all my stats counted 50% more. I was feeling beyond strong.

Gold Fiber

Integration T1 5/5:

All stats +0.1 to modifier per Integration lvl.

Spells cooldown time +5% more and have +5% more spell effect with each integration level.

At Integration 1/5 +2 Spell Slots

At Integration 2/5 +2 Ability Slots

At Integration 3/5 +3 Spell Slots

At Integration 4/5 +3 Ability Slots

At Integration 5/5 +5 Spell Slots


1. Defeat 1 mana-rich enemy.

2. Defeat 10 mana-rich enemies.

3. Defeat 100 mana-rich enemies.

4. Defeat 1000 mana-rich enemies

5. Defeat 10,000 mana-rich enemies.

Tier II

Supreme Body T2 0/3:

CON, END, and DEX receive 50% increased gains for each level in Supreme Body

At Supreme Body 1/3 Increase DEX by 10% of CON and END

At Supreme Body, 2/3 Half requirements for END checks.

At Supreme Body 3/3 CON x 25 x levels in Supreme Body

All Stats +0.2 Modifier

Requirement: Integration has reached 5/5, and golden essence spreads through the body, strengthening it.


1. Take 1000 damage

2. Take 10,000 damage

3. Take 100,000 damage

Golden Throne T2 0/3: monsters, men, and animals see something in you that you may not see in yourself. Every companion you acquire increases your power. 1% increase to all stats and 5% to charisma for every level of Golden Throne

At Golden Throne 1/3: Your desires are felt instinctively by companions causing them to see to your needs before their own.

At Golden Throne 2/3: Companions carrying out your will receive a +0.4 MOD to END, CON, DEX, LUK

At Golden Throne 3/3: Gain 1 DP(Divinity Point) for every 100 Companions every 30 days.

(+0.01 x Golden Throne lvl) To MOD for all stats per companion.

Requirement: Integration has reached 5/5, and golden essence spreads through the body, strengthening it.


1. 1 companion

2. 10 companions

3. 100 companions

Force Projection T2 0/3: +1% chance to reset spell/ability cooldowns after dealing damage to an enemy for each Force Projection level.

At Force, Projection 1/3: A phantasmal clone capable of using your spells and abilities appears. Clone Dispels after 60s +5s per 10 CHA.

Summon limit 1 per 100INT.

At Force, Projection 2/3: Phantasmal Clones have a copy of your armor and weapons. They act like companions fanatically loyal to you.

At Force Projection 3/3: Reset time for phantasmal clones when enemies are defeated. When dispelled, randomly reset the cooldown on one spell/ability.

All Stats +0.2 to modifier per skill lvl.

+0.5 PER MOD


1. Slay 1000 Enemies Long Range

2. Slay 10,000 Enemies Long Range

3. Slay 100,000 Enemies Long Range

If I wanted to improve, I needed a long-range spell or ability. I wasn’t much of a bow guy; I would prefer guns. Guns were used outside of dungeons, but once inside, the dungeon removed them because they were unbalanced. Some floors of other dungeons allowed them and even dropped rare guns. Rumor had it that across the ocean, there was a dungeon that allowed guns from floor one. It was also rare for anyone to pass the required application process to go there. If I wanted a gun from this world, I needed to know someone from Barrel Country.

I figured that was as likely as winning the lottery or being set free from the Sect.

Azizi bumped her butt against me, and I smacked it in return. She smirked at me as we finally got our passes from the dungeon.

“Are you excited?” Azizi asked.

We were about to hit the 3rd floor, where only true adventurers traveled. The first two floors were a proving ground. There were few enemy variants and no roaming raid bosses. That would change on the third floor.

Our loot would improve after we killed the banshee queen on the 3rd floor.

“Get a room, you two,” Hati said.

I sighed and did something I may regret. My hand reached out and clasped Azizi’s. The sound of metal squeezing metal was loud in the elevator, but I didn’t care.

The Hyena girl gave me a look like, was I sure about this. I pulled her closer, and she surprised me by pushing against me. We were both dressed in layers of armor, but it was the thought that counted.

“Wow, monkey, good going. Azizi’s pseudo cock will feel good engulfing your tiny prick.” Zeff said.

“Don’t make me shoot you in this elevator,” Hati said.

The elevator chimed, and we stepped out on the third floor. I summoned my mobs, and we stepped into chaos.


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