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Drums pounded and elves sang in the stands of a theatre lovingly named the dueling grounds. On a circular platform high in the massive tree that housed the forest elf village, preparations for the duel were underway. Elves of all ages waited in the stands while the most promising warriors beat upon drums surrounded by lit torches and burning incense sticks. The twin suns gazed down like two great eyes bathing the dueling arena with their powerful sweat inducing rays. Now that the even I’ve waited for arrived and two of my objectives were complete, and all I had left to do was defeat Samael.

She wore a simple leather bra and loincloth, exposing her pale glowing skin. While her hair was normally held in a single braid, she let it down for this battle, a testament to her confidence. Her face was painted, and charcoal was used to make her beautiful blue eyes stand out even further. Samael looked like an angel or a goddess standing a little over seven feet tall, baring her skin and glow like armor. Even to me, they worked. I didn’t want to mar it, even knowing her personality. Even if the owner was a horrible shrew, no one wanted to defile the Monalisa.

So I raised my phone and took some pictures. Samael had seen my device before, smiled, and did a twirl, and the crowd cheered. Wolf whistles echoed through the audience, each enjoying the show. Clearly, the crowd had already chosen their favorite.

I only wore my tight blue body glove instead of my weighted armor or the stones I later stacked. Thanks to the weights and my healing factor, I abused my regeneration to its fullest conquering years of hard training and muscle building in a matter of days. I was as fit as could be expected, even if my muscles hadn’t developed to their greatest extent yet. My diet of almost all meat and some foraged vegetable with numerous carb loads like wild sweet potatoes and the occasional avocado helped immensely. I had bulked up in a very short time, giving me the strength and speed I needed to fight someone like Samael.

Given another week or a month, I would have abused my healing factor even more and truly built myself into a real weapons platform. My spear work would have been sharpened along with tightening my footwork. I had only started expanding my new sense, and with a month, I might have been able to start light god techniques. My weight training was due to increase again, which would only raise my physical conditioning further. Really I needed the time to put myself in the position I wanted to be in. That wasn’t an option if I wanted to save Elorael.

My black beauty stared at me with puffy eyes and drooping ears. She hasn’t changed, and I don’t think Samael broke her yet. Once again, she was worried about me. If I fucked up, then she would pay for it. So, I couldn’t let that happen. Her hair was braided up, and she looked healthy at least. If Samael really wanted to breed her, starving or beating her wasn’t an option. I guess killing me with a spear worked well enough as a control.

“It's not too late. I will let you back down if you publicly apologize and suck my cock. Some would even call that last part a reward.” Samael said.

I glanced over at Glorael, who presided over the competition, to see a familiar look in her eyes. They were blank as if she wasn’t paying attention to anything. But then, one of her ministers approached the elf and gripped her hand. I understood then that the chances of this being a clean fight were nonexistent.

I snapped some pictures of the scene in front of me, making sure to get each minister in my gallery. These weren’t for SP farming; I needed to find out who was poisoning elves and where that poison came from. Off to the side, I saw a strange elf wearing more bone than usual. She was too far away to sense, so I used my glasses to check her qi.


That was even higher than Samael when we first met. I scanned Samael, and she peaked at 13, just 1 above my own. Fortunately, qi wasn’t the only factor used to determine power. So long as I closed the distance quickly, Samael was unlikely to employ any light god techniques. That was how I planned to win by mitigating her advantages and stacking mine until victory was inevitable. If her speed was anything close to Mekael going all out, then I had a chance up close.

I turned my attention back to a now seething Samael. “There are more important matters than this fight. Once I’m finished with you, I can move on to other matters.” I said.

Samael’s eyes widened, and for a second, I felt her qi spike, and her body glowed brighter than ever. I thought she used the god light technique flash for a second, but that wasn’t the case. Her qi had become agitated by her anger, and she unleashed some of her power prematurely. That was my advantage. Agitating qi taxed stamina in exchange for more power. Constant slowly raised the body’s overall qi and activated a small percentage of that qi. That’s why it's so valuable; constant can make any cultivator stronger so long as they continue to live. Training and eating right helped expedite that process, but sheer time in cultivation had an advantage.

Potions made by Zosimael could also hasten that process even more than eating qi-rich meat or plants. But, of course, concentrating qi in that way was outlawed by the forest god.

“When this is over, I’m going to take you and Elorael as my mates. Remember when we first met, and you squeezed my balls, so I rammed my dick down your throat.” I approached her. “That will be your breakfast every morning, and when you misbehave, I’m going to slap your ass,” I said.

“Don’t threaten a girl with a good time.” Samael purred. “But if that’s the way you want it deal, if you win, we’ll be your mates, and you can fill our bellies to bursting as much as you want. But if I win, I’m going to drive my cock up your ass raw.” Samael said.

At that, I resigned myself to win or die. Some fates are worse than death, and that was one of them. Also, why the hell did I run my mouth like that about making her mine along with Elorael. I doubted my chocolate bro wanted to be my mate at all. We weren’t even the same species, and I knew we couldn’t interbreed. This world wasn’t anywhere close to Earth. Fucking with her was more a pastime than anything else. I doubted Samael was any different. No matter how many times I flooded that girl’s womb, it wouldn’t make a difference. Not unless elven anatomy was freakier than I thought.

Then again, they had stretchy urethras that could take in the dicks of others and add sperm to their supply. Elves definitely had parents, but I haven’t seen any proof of a nuclear family situation though I’ve seen harems. Mates are kept and are limited to mating with only their partner. But that is more of a contractual sense or even slavery than marriage. Though that depends on what kind of marriage and what country on Earth. For some, marriage was practically slavery.

The equivalent of a referee approached wearing a headdress of glittering golden and red feathers and a cloak of scales. She held shields in her hands and stood ready to use them.

“I want a clean duel to the conclusion of death, knockout, or surrender. No shields or armor is allowed, and your spears are measured to the same weight, length, and head. Separate to the spots marked on the floor and wait for my signal.” The ref said.

She walked over to her own position marked on the arena floor, and we moved to do the same. I stood across from Samael, and my spear slipped in my sweaty grip. Samael had knocked my teeth out before when I thought I was superior. When I thought I was untouchable, she proved me wrong in more ways than one. When I was at my lowest, she poured salt on the wound and took Elorael as her mate, and forced me to be her witness. Only Zosimael’s political power in the tribe postponed it long enough for me to gain some strength.

A week wasn’t enough to bridge the gap. Samael had a lifetime of practice, a real battle, and numerous mastered techniques. They were mastered to the point where her emotions could summon her strength. While most opponents would be slightly weakened from summoning a god light technique, Samael looked as fresh as ever. To that end, I had to fight conservatively and strike only when I had the greatest advantage. Hopefully, my healing factor would see me through this.

The drums pounded a steady beat quickening my pounding heart and running my blood up. When the drumming reached their peak, they suddenly went quiet, and the ref banged her shields together. I bent low and shot forward.

Samael moved and stuck, scoring a slight hit even as my spear shot forward. I felt a stinging pain, and blood flowed down, blinding my left eye as the elf vanished into my blind spot. Qi charged, and I knew she had already prepared a god light technique. By the time I turned to face her, a golden glow had covered her spear tip along with a set of glittering wings. I knew it immediately as the buff spell light’s speed. For the next 15s, she would be twice up five times as quickly. Seeing how she got my eye in our first encounter wasn’t looking good.

After images peeled off of her as she shot forward, I heard her foot touch the ground hard three times. This was the technique Mekael drilled into me the most in the last few days. Unfortunately for her, I managed something that should have taken years, and even her light’s speed couldn't keep up.

The spear tips were an obsidian build for cutting through nearly anything, but they were also prone to shatter. I threw the butt of my spear backward, intent on ruining her obsidian spearhead. Mekael told me all about her fights with Samael and the elf’s preferences. The cut at the beginning, light’s speed, and even this attack had all been to force Samael to use her buff for a seemingly early victory. An OTK in the dueling arena. Unfortunately for her, I planned for it.

Like a boxer watching videos of their next opponent, I built my plan from Mekael’s, Zosimael’s, and Temael’s experience watching Samael fight. Then I felt the butt of my spear hit empty air.

A blow smashed against the left side of my face just as the wound above my eyes healed. I had to decide if the next blow was a stab or a slice in a split second. Mekael had hit me with the shaft of her spear numerous times, more than enough to figure out how much was being gripped. With that in mind, I stepped into the next blow. The shaft of the spear smashed the side of my head, but her attack aimed to cut me again.

Samael liked to blind her opponent and buff herself in their blind spots. It made it easier to hide what her buffs did or deliver a killing blow. Fortunately, Samael buffed over 85% of the time in her fights. She did it for the attention. If a fight was genuinely dire, she wouldn’t waste a killing blow to buff. On the flip side, she might have risked a god light killing offensive technique. There were downsides to that, and it was normally frowned upon in a duel.

I delivered a powerful elbow to the side of her head from the moment it connected another technique had already gathered. The light’s speed buff allowed her to perform other techniques faster even though it was running out. I threw myself back as a dome of light appeared around her.

My danger sense went off as her buff died, and she gathered power around her off-hand. I gained some more distance; while being close could normally allow me to interrupt her technique, I needed distance while her dome was up. With both suns shining down on her, she could call up a lot more energy than normal. There were only so many techniques she could call upon with a dueling arena full of people.

From out of the light, I realized she had performed a summoning technique instead of one of the point-to-point killing techniques. This was worse. Summonings called upon mythical weapons forged from thoughts and memories implanted in qi. The forest tribe’s mythic weapon was a sword that absorbed light and eased her technique burden. It was the perfect utility tool for a mage or a mage knight class.

The dome shattered, and its pieces formed numerous semisolid glass-like projectiles. She slashed with the sword, and they raced after me. So, I formed the old island obliterating fist and punched forward. Then I wobbled and a little unsteady on my feet. After gaining constant, I shouldn’t have enough power to use one island obliterating punch and stay standing, much less four or five.

Still, even with my own powerful technique of my own, it wasn’t made for defense. One shard hit my thigh while the other smashed into my shoulder. The others were too small to do any real damage and broke apart on my body glove. This was how Mekael fought when she got serious, except she couldn’t call upon a mythical weapon that halved the cost of her techniques. So I shot forward as again light’s speed was applied.

Blood trickled down my leg, and I knew I wasn’t moving quite as fast as before. The shard had already dissipated into motes of light, letting my wound bleed. I’ve only heard of the mythical blade Angel from Zosimael, and it shouldn’t have been summoned for a duel. It’s a weapon of the tribe, not some chief’s daughter for a grudge match. Unfortunately, that didn’t change the fact it was out.

She moved too fast for me to keep up with, and her stab was coming. Samael’s gaze was too serious about taking a surrender at this point, and I wasn’t offering it anyway. Qi or not, body glove or not, and regeneration or not, that little piece of obsidian would slip through my ribs without slowing down and skewer my heart. Death wouldn’t take long after that.

There were other factors at play before this fight even began. Samael could have chosen numerous buffs and applied them with the sword out or risked applying a second in my blind spot. While I knew about the sword, Zosimael said it was incredibly unlikely to be summoned for this. The will of the sword shouldn’t allow it. Finally, even if I wasn’t an elf, I was a member of the tribe taught in the tribe’s forms. Only I wasn’t, really. I hadn’t fully integrated with the tribe’s culture or learned much of their history besides how Samael and other elves fought before.

For that reason, I had no choice but to factor the sword angel into my plans. With that in mind, how to counter it came up, and better yet, how could I counter it if I was wounded.

I raised my using it to block the attack. The simplest answer was that I didn’t. Throughout the entire fight, I had lied to my opponent and suppressed my qi. The sea god’s greatest strength was in its armored hide and incredible regeneration, not its island obliterating fist or water manipulation. In an instant, I let my qi return to its previous level, and my wounds healed on the spot.

The obsidian spear shattered when it hit my chest, and the spear bounced when it impacted my chest. Samael’s eyes widened as my strategy took effect. Before, if I had shown even the slightest chance of being able to use the sea god’s defense to my advantage, she would have buffed in kind. Not only would she have used light’s speed, but she would also have used Piercing light and photon burst. Her entire fight would be on the defensive until she gathered those techniques together to kill me in one hit. Then, her barrier would have stopped me long enough to summon the sword and buff herself. A little-known fact about angel it halved its user’s casting time. I noticed it when she applied light’s speed again.

I caught her sword hand and stopped her from bringing the only weapon that could have pieced my qi toughed skin to bear. With a twict shown to me by Mekael, I broke her grip. Samael screamed as I put her in a joint lock and kicked her leg out from under her. This was what I had been waiting for all along. The sword vanished in motes of light, sapping Samael of some of her reserves.

Samael continued to scream in pain and rage. I pressed my crotch against her ass to add insult to injury as I held her there. Finally, she crawled to the ground, searching for any leverage that might help her get out of this situation. All the while, I pressed down upon her with my own will. Our fight devolved into a battle of qi and wills as she struggled in my hold.

Minutes ticked by, and she screamed a final time. “I give up.” Her cheeks were already reddening when she said it. “I surrender; I’ll be your mate along with Elorael. I don’t care what my mother or the ministers say it will be so.” Samael said.

I looked over at the ref, who reluctantly clapped her shields together. “The degenerate is the winner.” She said, and the crowd didn’t cheer or beat drums. So I had won despite Samael using her tribe’s mythic weapon. That was something that should have been impossible. Yet as Elorael ran over and threw her arms around me, none of them could deny it.

Challenge 3 complete


6 Red Pills

6 Blue Pills

6 Green Pills

The pills fell into my inventory from a quick setting change. Another bag of pills would put me on the path to even greater strength, and I still had a final challenge in this world. After that, I could finally get home and play some games instead of living in this prehistoric world. Maybe I could take some of the elves with me.

A glowing mass of qi at the edge of my senses flared, and for a moment, I went on the defensive. I lower my defenses to passive levels only when an attack wasn't forthcoming. Though before I held my power below even my passive levels to trick Samael, there wasn’t a reason to do that any longer. My qi settled down to its resting state.

The glow had been the sword angel. It glowed at the edge of my senses, ready to unleash a final attack against me. From what I sensed, the weapon gathered qi from the suns themselves and prepared to detonate.

“That’s enough. I lost Angel.” Samael said in a rare act of humility. She took the blade, and it vanished in motes of light. While it was still powerful, it wouldn’t be a problem for the time being.

“Do you remember what you promised before the fight began?”

“Don’t mistake me for a liar. I said I would be your mate, and that’s what I’m going to do. So long as you treat me well, I won’t have any issues with you.” Samael said.

“Drop the act you’ve wanted his dick since he forced it down your throat. Then you just had to act all tough and take me because it's what the tribe expects. Well, guess what? My tribe expected me to be eaten by our god, and here I am. So if you’re done being an idiot lets, go back to your place with a witness and fuck.” Elorael said.

“You’re the one who sacrificed herself acting all brave just to cock block me.” Then, depending on the situation, I walked over to my two concubines, sex friends, or rivals. Samael was unarmed and mostly naked already, so I picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder. “Hey, what are you doing?” I held her in place and took some pictures of her rear. It was a popular image with only a little string held tightly between her pussy lips.

“Which way to your home?” I asked.

“I know the way,” Zosimael said.

“Granny, you don’t know where your own home is most of the time.” I smacked her ass. “Hey, don’t do that to me in public, or I’ll bite your testicle,” Samael said.

“Is she always this spirited?” I asked.

“You have no idea. I’ve had to deal with her blasting her loads in my dick and drinking it back out all week. She might act like a bitch but play with her cock a little, and she’s easily satisfied.” I shook my head and sped up.

The crowds were dispersing now that the duel was over without a death. A couple of ministers led the chief out, and I hadn’t seen before a strange elf followed behind them. Besides, the gawking groups of warriors, including a surprised Mekael and Temael, didn’t pay as much attention. When they saw Samael carried over my shoulder like a sack of loot, they turned their heads away and blushed up a storm. I loved elves; they were just so relatable.

Samael’s home was one of the larger treehouses in the tribe. Various spears hung on walls, and piles of spearheads filled shelves. Rare animal skins covered the walls, and the second we walked inside, I heard the yap of a dog.

“You have a pet,” I said.

“What do you not like, pets?” Samael asked a little dangerously.

I smacked her ass again since we were in private and took another picture. Her lips had begun to moisten, and I moved the fabric aside for another picture. Each post ranked up the SP, and soon I could start buying some more interesting things. I downloaded an enchanted weapons app, and nearly everything in it was in the 100s of thousands. My 3k SP was a pittance compared to what I needed for the good powerful stuff, but there was some good news. I could afford to buy a rune textbook and download a self-help video on enchanting. If I played my cards right, I could teach Elorael or Samael and have an extra set of hands.

There was also a book on summoning I wanted to try out. But, of course, it relied on mana which was something I had no context for. It wasn’t qi from what I could tell and wasn’t based on anything I had ever heard of. Every time I learned something new and valuable, I had to invest more time and research. It was getting annoying.

My thoughts derailed into wargaming the consequences of introducing a study I haven’t even begun to practice. If this tribe made it their language and began writing with it. They could become terrifying. I almost didn’t want to risk it, but I was too curious to stop myself. Of course, I also needed to take care of a few ministers. Once they were either replaced, threatened, or blackmailed into submission. Then, I could integrate a writing system and officially exit prehistory. Because there would be records.

“Darling, you didn’t seem to disapprove of the dolphin girls.” I smiled at Elorael’s pet name.

“Dolphin girls have a lot of uses, you know that. But I’m not going to give Samael a hard time for having one either.” I said.

I took my shoes off at the door and removed my body glove. It had seen better days and needed a wash. Since that wasn’t available, I would have to buy a new one. My old body glove would have to be burned; it already smelled like mildew.

“That brings me back. I used to go down to the beach and play with dolphin girls all day. Mother disapproved of me fraternizing with lesser creatures.” Samael said, seeming to return to memories of happier times. “I loved the way their pointy tips wiggled inside of my cock. They made the cutest faces when they came inside and filled my balls with their dolphin girl spunk.”

“In my village, it's forbidden to let another elf let alone another sapient cum inside your cock. They said it was impure.” Elorael said.

“Should we go back there and conquer them? Without their sea god, they can’t cultivate anymore, can they.” I said.

“We aren’t sailors, and it’s forbidden to cut the sacred forest for such an impure action. I’m all for it, but my mother and the ministers will throw a fit. Then you also have the forest god and its avatars to contend with.” Samael said.

“Did you see your mother’s eyes? They looked just like Zosimael’s had before I moved in.” I said.

“Allowing you to join our village and keep your balls was unpopular. What few ministers remained on mother’s side must have either jumped ship or been subdued. If the two of you are willing, we could break away and create our own tribe. Of course, we would have to breed diligently, and only Red will be able to hunt, but we could be powerful in a few centuries.” Samael said.

“Why do that when Darling already has a plan? He isn’t the type to allow those like the ministers to do as they please.” Elorael said.

My black beauty of an elf smirked and pulled back her leathers, revealing a set of perky black breasts with even darker nipples. She moved in close and pushed them against my chest. Samael followed, taking off her clothes and pressing herself against me.

“That’s right, he led me around like a new recruit. I knew he had probably mastered constant and what your sea god breath could do, but I still made many mistakes. So what’s your plan for the ministers?” Samael asked.

I nuzzled her long pointy ear and licked the tip. Samael rubbed her perky pink nipples against my chest while Elorael pushed her quim closer to me. Clearly, she wanted to go first.

Unfortunately, my mind wouldn’t leave the thought of such dangerous enemies alone. If I didn’t deal with them soon, they would undoubtedly become a part of my next challenge. So, I had to deal with them soon.

While she wanted to know my plans, I really didn’t have any. My skill against her was more due to time and preparations than anything else. I treated it like fighting a boss, sought out all the information I could, and made a game plan. There were so many things that could have gone wrong, and the only reason why I came out on top was because of Samael’s lack of information. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t have that advantage against the ministers. They would be wary of me from now on. Most would probably use their full power from the beginning and suspect I was tricking them no matter what.

Elorael’s soft black sac pushed against my throbbing head while she edged closer. Her own massive raging black futa cock brushed against my stomach leaking pre.

“Sorry my balls are so full, Darling; impatient one over here has been filling my balls with her own loads. She’s wanted you for too long.” I reached down and gripped Elorael’s heavy balls. They weren’t larger than Temael’s, but they had swollen more than I remembered. Well, that was fine; we would have to clean ourselves afterward.

I pulled up on her sac and pressed myself between her wet lips. Elorael gasped and moaned cutely while she squeezed with all her might as I slowly tore my way through her hymen. This was something special that could never be taken away between us.

After fighting Samael, I felt like I had earned it, and what the game said made sense. No woman futa would give their pussy to a man who had no value. After all, men were human doings, and there was a reason why women almost asked about a man’s profession first.

Elorael squeezed with all her might as I pumped in and out of her slowly, only pressing in with a few inches at a time. The elf bit her bottom lip as I felt her clench around me. Her wound had long since healed, and the pain from her first time quickly turned into enjoyment.

She pulled away, turned around, and bent low to show me her gaping pussy and a tiny dot of a butthole. The want to take her other first came and went. I needed to get to know her pussy first. After taking a picture and capturing the recent break of her hymen, my SP went up by another thousand in seconds. Elorael backed her ass up and slammed down, taking my dick to the base. Her heavy black futa balls clapped against mine, and I gave her a reach around. She moaned as we humped, and I fingered her urethra and groped her balls.

Samael lowered herself, and I pulled my finger out of Elorael’s urethra with a pop. The chief’s daughter kissed the tip of Elorael’s penis, moaning as she took it deep. Then, she moved and slid the massive cock down her throat.

“So good, let's cum together, Darling,” Elorael said, and I came inside of her while she came inside Samael’s throat.


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